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We found 2,095 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Get Your Attorneys To Write: Eleven Tips
April 02, 2017
One of the toughest aspects of content marketing is generating content on a reliable basis. The bad news is you cannot take attorneys out of the process completely because they are the subject matter experts. The good news is you can use various tactics to motivate and help them to produce good content.
Is Your Firm's Partner Comp Spread Too Narrow?
April 02, 2017
It is fast becoming an imperative for elite firms to widen the range of their partner compensation. Too narrow a range allows competitors with wider ranges to lure away the most commercially successful partners.
A Primer for the Entertainment Industry on the Use of Blockchain Technology
April 01, 2017
This article familiarizes lawyers with cryptocurrency and, particularly, the enabling blockchain technology, methodologies and systems.
Proposed Partnership Regulations Create Estate and Charitable Tax Planning Opportunity
April 01, 2017
The New Year and the New Administration has areas of taxation estate planning and philanthropy on the front burner. No one is sure what will be happening with the minority discounts regulations in turmoil and proposed guidance of the modification of charities partnership interest and unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). By integrating a number of tried and tested tools, we may create a platform for substantial savings.
The Possible Consequences of Pursuing Outstanding Legal Fees
March 02, 2017
The attorney-client relationship is not one that always ends well. The client is able to discharge the attorney at any time, but outstanding legal fees must be addressed.
Step into Power: Lead with Aplomb
March 02, 2017
For a firm to be successful, its leaders must create the circumstances for "1,000 flowers to bloom." As corny as this may sound, that is what great law-firm leaders do.
Lawyers Can Innovate with Design Thinking
March 02, 2017
In a legal setting, Design Thinking can be used by the lawyer to match his or her client's needs to what is legally and practically achievable in order to create a successful business or problem-solving strategy.
Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2017
March 02, 2017
Compiled through industry research, industry participants' expertise and ELFA member input, the trends are designed to help businesses and other organizations as they execute their equipment acquisition strategies during the coming year.
The Evolution of the 'Virtual Law Firm'
March 01, 2017
<b><i>Though 'Virtual Firms' Are on the Decline, Cloud Technology May Be Shifting the Model to Refocus on Lawyer Mobility</b></i><br>The rise of cloud computing in particular has made it possible for attorneys to keep all the technology tools they need to practice on hand at all times, and eschew direct client contact and office space if so desired.
FinTech Pressure on Equipment Finance Companies Serving SMB Markets<br><b><i><font="-1">Challenges and Opportunities</b></i></font>
March 01, 2017
This article discusses the initial impact of FinTechs and resulting opportunities and challenges, including strategies for recovering non-performing loans and leases within the fast-paced FinTech business model.