Compensation Remains One of the Most Important Decisions for a Law Firm
November 01, 2016
With associate compensation dominating the headlines over the past several months, partner compensation has managed to slip under the radar. This isn't particularly surprising, however, given how uncomfortable discussions regarding partner pay can be for lawyers and their firms.Despite the tendency to delay or even avoid such conversations, partnership compensation remains one of the most scrutinized decisions in a law practice.
AI and the Law
November 01, 2016
<b><i>The Paradigm Shift Hits the Fan</b></i><p><p>AI — artificial intelligence — and its relatives: digital research engines, “bots” and other automatons, have made their beachhead in the legal profession, and it really looks like this is gonna change everything.
Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations
November 01, 2016
“They don't want to work!” It's an all-too-familiar refrain uttered about associates of the millennial generation. As more and more millennials enter the workforce these generational clashes will continue. What can be done to bridge the gap and why should you care?
When Is Employee Hacking a Crime?
November 01, 2016
Employees have found success in defeating CFAA accusations, often by arguing that they did not access a database or other proprietary information without authorization because their login credentials had yet to be revoked. As surveyed below, results have been mixed for employees accused of hacking into the databases of their own companies, competitors and potential business partners. This article discusses three recent cases in this area of law.
Industry Growth for 2016 Forecast to -0.5%
November 01, 2016
In what began as a year with a forecast of modest growth, The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (ELFA) has just released its Q4 update to the 2016 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook, reducing the year's growth expectations to -0.5%, marking a steady decline in growth forecast for the year.
How to Be a Great Mentor to Associate Attorneys
November 01, 2016
Mentorship is a key element of associate engagement and retention. While most law firms have formal and informal mentoring programs, not all firms give explicit instructions on how to be a good mentor to junior attorneys. Here are some tips that can prepare you to be a great mentor to the associates at your firm.