IP News
April 01, 2018
Claim Preclusion Requires Analysis that Claims in Newly Asserted Patents are Patently Indistinct from Claims in Previously Adjudicated Patents<br>Claim Elements Taught by Prior Art for Purposes of Novelty and Obviousness are not Necessarily 'Well-Understood, Routine, and Conventional' Under §101
Even the Value of the Smallest Salable Unit Must Be Apportioned
March 01, 2018
<i><b>Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Sys., Inc.</b></i><p>The Federal Circuit ruled that basing a reasonable royalty calculation on the “smallest salable unit” does not obviate the need to apportion damages to the patented contribution within that unit.
IP News
March 01, 2018
Federal Circuit Vacates Noninfringement Decision Finding a Genuine Dispute as to Divided Infringement<br>Patent Trial and Appeal Board Holds Sovereign Immunity No Defense to IPR Petition Brought by Accused Infringer
Trademark Board's Precedential Ruling on Use in Commerce
February 01, 2018
In a nearly 50-page precedential opinion in a ruling of great significance to the entertainment industry, a TTAB panel of judges recently underscored the need to prove actual use in commerce in order to register a trademark, regardless of how low the standard for use under the Lanham Act has recently become.
Federal Circuit Holds Scandalous or Immoral Marks Entitled to Registration
February 01, 2018
<b><i>Refusal Is an Unconstitutional Violation of Free Speech</b></i><p>On Dec. 15, 2017, a unanimous Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that despite Appellant's mark comprising “immoral or scandalous” matter, the PTO could no longer refuse federal registration of such marks on the grounds that this refusal violated the free speech clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
IP News
February 01, 2018
Judges Newman and Reyna Argue that Litigation Misconduct does not Demonstrate Intent to Deceive the PTO<br>Federal Circuit Affirms Board's Decisions in IPRs Finding a Video Conferencing Patent Not Anticipated or Obvious<br>Federal Circuit Affirms No Intent to Deceive for Inequitable Conduct Claim Where Inventors Should Have Documented Findings to the USPTO