The Food Safety Modernization Act
November 02, 2017
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</i></b><p>By being proactive in adopting safe food processing operations, such companies hope to protect their reputation and business from the negative publicity and possible financial disaster arising from the sale of contaminated food and non-compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
Social Media: Questions of Admissibility and Ethics
November 02, 2017
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</i></b><p>This two-part article is divided into three sections: 1) Social media, defined; 2) Examples of how social media has been used in family law cases; and 3) Ethical considerations for attorneys who gather social media evidence.
At High Court, Just One IP Case That Matters
November 02, 2017
<b><i>After Several IP-Heavy Seasons, the 2017 Term At the U.S. Supreme Court Looks to Be a Quiet One for Intellectual Property — with One Big Exception</b></i><p>The 2017 term at the U.S. Supreme Court looks to be a quiet one for intellectual property. But with one potential bang in the middle.
The Privacy Shield Scheme: Should Your Company Join?
November 02, 2017
The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the EU-US Privacy Shield for business. This is vital in order to enable businesses to make an informed decision on whether or not to join this scheme.
NY's Paid Family Leave Program
November 02, 2017
<b><i>Part Two of a Two-Part Article</i></b><p>Last month, the authors discussed the fact that New York State will have its own "Paid Family Leave Benefits Law," effective Jan 1, 2018. They noted the differences from the FMLA, and discussed insurance considerations. The discussion concludes herein.
Drug & Device News
November 02, 2017
Because the drug-manufacturing defendants seeking federal retention of a case removed from state court were unable to prove the four elements of the U.S. Supreme Court's <i>Gunn</i> test for federal-question jurisdiction, the U.S. Disctrict Court for the Northern District of California remanded the case to state court.
Follow Up on False Claims Act Actions
November 02, 2017
This article discusses what you can do to mitigate against the risk inherent in prolonged exposure. While a 50-state survey is beyond the scope of this article, the authors identify issues that should be on the forefront of your mind if faced with potential state false claims act liability.
November 02, 2017
Analysis and discussion of several important cases.
<b><i>Leadership:</i></b> Never Lose Heart: Appreciating the Human
November 02, 2017
<b><i>The Impact of What We Do as Marketers and Lawyers</b></i><p>Sometimes the legal profession can seem to be too much about money and the chase thereof. So, maybe it is time to talk more about the human impact of what we do — we almost never talk about what could arguably be the most important aspect of our professional lives: How what we do as professionals impacts the lives of real people, in meaningful ways.
Update on Protecting IP In China
November 02, 2017
For most global entertainment and media companies, the need to think about how to protect intellectual property in China is an inevitable reality. For a few years, there have been indications that China is willing to be more protective of IP owners' rights. But recent events signal there's still work to be done. These developments highlight that, despite small gains, protecting intellectual property in China can still be a major headache for companies and in-house attorneys.