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We found 6,224 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

e-Curing the Holiday Humbug
November 26, 2008
Anyone trying to keep an e-commerce site afloat didn't ' and still doesn't ' need to read the newspaper to realize the business downturn: the grim news appears every day in the cash till, in the aging-of-receivables report, and in overdue payables. While the down times are as inevitable a part of a business cycle as the booming times, that realization doesn't satisfy the bank, the critical vendor at the door or the payroll processor that must be paid.
News Briefs
November 26, 2008
The latest news from the franchising world.
Court Watch
November 26, 2008
CA Court Rules Jury Trial Waiver Was Not Conspicuous
Franchisors Must Prepare for Pending Introduction of New Top-Level Domains
November 26, 2008
In only a few short months, franchisors must choose whether to register a top-level domain (TLD) that corresponds with the franchisor's trademark or company name. Similar to current TLDs .com, .net, and .org, new TLDs like .hilton, .coke, or .merrilllynch will be available. A franchisor's choice must balance potentially significant commercial, advertising, and security opportunities with substantial financial and technological investment.
Peer-to-Peer May Share Some Nightmares
November 25, 2008
Unknown to corporate America, the popular peer-to-peer file-sharing networks that allow music and movies to be shared could be sharing something else with the public: company secrets and personal data.
Search Engine Optimization Raises Bar for Law Firm Web Sites
November 25, 2008
Search engines compete with each other on their ability to guide users to relevant content. The search engines, therefore, reward those Web pages that provide useful content to their consumers with high rankings. To understand how to get the most out of search engine optimization, it is important to learn how search engines catalogue and evaluate trillions of Web pages to determine which one is most relevant to a given search query.
<b><i>Product Review:</b></i> Clio, Effective SaaS Practice Management For the Small Firm
November 25, 2008
As a partner in a small firm, I must divide my time between servicing current clients, finding new ones and running the operational side of my small business. In addition, I have three children, so it is essential for me to be able to work from home and office interchangeably. Another challenge is that my client base requires me to travel frequently, which makes it imperative for me to have access to my client data wherever I am, day or night.
Web 2.0: Don't Miss the Big Picture
November 25, 2008
Web 2.0 is more than merely an upgrade of Web 1.0; rather, it is an evolutionary step toward a major change to the practice of law ' and the end of the bricks-and-mortar world of law firms as we know them today. The fact is that law firms spend the bulk of their fixed overhead in two areas: office space and personnel. One of these expenses, office space, can be dramatically reduced today; and personnel costs, especially on the support side, can be reduced today and dramatically reduced in just one more generation.
<b>Counsel Concerns:</b> TV Station Buyers Claim Law Firm Botched Deal
November 25, 2008
The owners of Spanish-language GenTV are suing four Holland &amp; Knight partners, alleging the $48 million purchase price of a Key West, FL, television station was millions of dollars too high because of botched legal work.
SoundExchange Counsel Faces Royalty Skirmishes
November 25, 2008
SoundExchange originated as a division of the RIAA and was spun off as a separate group in 2000 to collect and distribute digital performance royalties. It's the only agency authorized to do so. Today, it represents more than 3,500 record companies and more than 6,000 labels and their artists. Michael Huppe, general counsel for SoundExchange, says music labels and artists will increasingly depend on the performance royalties SoundExchange distributes to survive.


  • Role and Responsibilities of Practice Group Leaders
    Ideally, the objective of defining the role and responsibilities of Practice Group Leaders should be to establish just enough structure and accountability within their respective practice group to maximize the economic potential of the firm, while institutionalizing the principles of leadership and teamwork.
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  • Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult Coin
    With each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.
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  • The Article 8 Opt In
    The Article 8 opt-in election adds an additional layer of complexity to the already labyrinthine rules governing perfection of security interests under the UCC. A lender that is unaware of the nuances created by the opt in (may find its security interest vulnerable to being primed by another party that has taken steps to perfect in a superior manner under the circumstances.
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