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We found 1,059 results for "Employment Law Strategist"...

Advising a Whistleblower After Dodd-Frank
March 27, 2012
This article examines the retaliation protections provided by Dodd-Frank and how employment lawyers might deal with their impact.
DOMA Unconstitutional, DOJ Says
February 29, 2012
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has deemed the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional in a brief it filed in a Pennsylvania case regarding whether the wife of a former female Cozen O'Connor partner is able to collect the partner's profit-sharing plan benefits under federal law.
Disparate Impact and the ADEA
February 28, 2012
In this article, the elements of a disparate impact claim by older workers are explored. Congress created protection for older workers from employment discrimination by enacting the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
Managing Employee Leave under the ADAAA and FMLA
February 28, 2012
Managing employee leave has become a persistent and growing challenge at many companies. Here's why...
Four Rules for Tax-Exempt Organizations with Volunteers
February 28, 2012
As discussed last month, the use of volunteers and interns by nonprofit corporations comes with legal risks, particularly from potentially applicable wage and hour laws and from harms caused by or happened upon the volunteers and interns.
The Supreme Court Finds Religion
February 28, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court recently held in that the First Amendment's religion clauses provide for a "ministerial exception." In doing so, the Court promoted religious autonomy at the expense of ministers' rights and society's interest in eradicating discrimination.
Leadership and the 21st-Century Law Firm
January 31, 2012
As changes in the industry and profession continue to emerge it seems that leadership of 21st-century law firms may be increasingly less about doing more and more about doing things differently.
One Employer's Strategy Against the DOL's Crackdown on Employee Misclassification
January 30, 2012
A recent decision discussed herein is significant because it means that employers who have been admonished by the DOL for alleged violations of the FLSA need not sit and wait for the DOL to file a lawsuit against them.
Overreaching English-Only Policies Spell Trouble for Employers
January 30, 2012
English-only policies have long been criticized and targeted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Here's a look at some recent litigation.
Four Rules for Tax-Exempt Organizations
January 30, 2012
The use of volunteers and interns by nonprofits comes with legal risks, which may be reduced by following four basic rules. This article discusses both federal and California state law.