Supreme Court Limits Forum Shopping with Plavix Lawsuit Decision
September 02, 2017
On June 19, the U.S. Supreme Court upended years of jurisprudence to hand corporations a gift: a far more stringent definition of specific jurisdiction that will force plaintiffs to bring suit in multiple state courts rather than join their claims to those in far-flung jurisdictions.
The Food Safety Modernization Act
September 02, 2017
Comprising the largest rewrite of U.S. food safety regulations in more than 70 years, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which was signed into law on Jan. 4, 2011, has broad implications for almost all constituents involved in the food and feed industry. But FSMA's effect on equipment lessors and other secured lenders requires some consideration and analysis.
In New York: Public Trust Doctrine Thwarts Retail Mall
September 02, 2017
In <I>Matter of Avella v. City of New York</I>, the New York Court of Appeals enjoined development of a retail, holding that the development proposal would constitute an impermissible alienation of parkland by the City of New York. Here are the implications of that ruling.
Psychological Subjugation: The Elusive Form of Abuse
September 02, 2017
Mental health and legal professionals must devote more resources to studying the interpersonal dynamics of subjugation that is accomplished without resort to physical force, and the implications of these dynamics for the appropriate adjudication of custody/access disputes.
The Alien Tort Statute
September 02, 2017
The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the long-awaited issue of whether corporations can be liable under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), enacted by the First Congress more than 225 years ago.
Is This Really Patentable?
September 02, 2017
<b><i>Strategies to Defend Against Patent Claims by Raising Lack of Patentable Subject Matter in District Court Litigation</b></i><p>With the Supreme Court's decision in <i>Alice</i>, parties defending against a claim of patent infringement gained a potential way to find an early resolution to patent litigation.
Diversity As a Differentiator in the Legal Profession
September 02, 2017
One aspect of law firms that is becoming increasingly of interest to clients — and an area that might offer opportunities for differentiation — is law firm commitment to increasing and sustaining diversity.
Copyright Royalty Board Gets E-Filing System
September 02, 2017
The Library of Congress' Copyright Royalty Board, the panel of three judges who set copyright royalty rates and settle related disputes, announced the launch of an electronic filing and case management system in an effort to streamline its manual and cumbersome case management processes.