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We found 6,224 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

Downsizing: Being the Messenger May Actually Be Good for Your Career
March 27, 2008
Whether or not to adjust the number of employees or partners downward can be a critical decision for 2008. In the event it does happen, marketing executives will, undoubtedly, be asked to help craft appropriate messages to both the market and within their own firms in advance of rumor mills, blogs, and especially, the competitors offering their own take on the changes. However daunting the task, working through such scenarios can go a long way toward preserving your firm's reputation and bolstering your own career opportunities within your current firm or with a prospective employer.
Educating Marketing Professionals on Key Financial Metrics and Measurements
March 27, 2008
This article discusses two strategic but basic tenets of law firm finance and economics — matter profitability and return on investment (ROI) — and how marketing and finance professionals can work together to link marketing and financial strategies.
Practice Notes
March 27, 2008
Sonnenschein Team Leaves to Found MSK NY Office<br>TV-Company Deal Highlights U.S. Risk Allocation
Think You Know What Constitutes Good Cause?
March 27, 2008
Many employers believe that since they make the first call as to whether cause exists, that is the final call. However, as demonstrated by the jury verdict in a recent Maryland trial, it is the jury, not the employer, that gets to make the final call as to whether cause exists. <i>Kinsbourne, et al. v. 180's LLC.</i>
The Broken Covenant: A Retrospective -- 'Partners for Life'?
March 27, 2008
This article examines the "Partners for Life" covenant and several of the factors that led to its demise.
Bringing Lateral Attorneys on Board: A Blueprint for Success
March 27, 2008
The lateral movement of attorneys between firms requires a well-defined and well-executed management program in order to maximize the benefits of the move to both sides. This article sets forth the key elements, all of which must be addressed in order to maximize the investment a law firm makes in the lateral and in order to achieve career satisfaction and retention of lateral attorneys.
Courts Continue to Differ over Timing of Claims Construction: Markman v. Westview Still a Definining Element
March 27, 2008
In the two courts (the Northern District of California and the Southern District of Texas) that have substantially revised (N.D.Ca.) or adopted (S.D.Tex.) local patent rules effective in 2008, one has opted for an early approach to <i>Markman v. Westview</i> (N.D.Ca.) and the other (S.D.Tex.) has left it largely to the discretion of individual judges. This recent contrast highlights the continuing differences of opinion as to the best approach to <i>Markman</i> hearings and their timing.
In the Marketplace
March 26, 2008
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
Truck Leasing in a Down Economy: How to Prepare
March 26, 2008
The apparent downturn of the economy is currently most prevalent in the trucking sector, which saw a dramatic increase in repossessions and liquidations in the past year. This article discusses strategic options for lessors.
Contacting Class Members Before and After Class Certification: The ABA's View
March 26, 2008
A question often faced by counsel in a class action is whether to contact absent class members. Pre-certification communications, for example, can be valuable to develop a more complete evidentiary record on the issue of whether a class should be certified in the first place. Courts have not always agreed whether therules of professional conduct permit these communications. American Bar Association Formal Opinion 07-445, issued in April 2007, supports the view that the rules of professional conduct permit these valuable communications before a class is certified.