Riding the Fulcrum Seesaw
September 26, 2007
Troubled businesses also may have turned to the distressed debt market instead of filing for bankruptcy protection due to recent changes to the Bankruptcy Code, which made bankruptcy a more complicated, expensive and uncertain alternative. As a result, when the next wave of Chapter 11 filings comes, hedge funds and other distressed debt investors will act to protect their unique interests and strategies, which will bring new dynamics to bankruptcy cases.
Franchisor Price Fixing: What Does Leegin Really Mean for Franchising?
August 31, 2007
By now, everyone seriously involved in the practice of franchise law is aware of <i>Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc.</i>, 2007 WL 1835892 (S. Ct. June 28, 2007). The Supreme Court in <i>Leegin</i> held that vertical resale price maintenance is no longer unlawful in and of itself. Although hailing the decision as overruling a nearly 100-year prohibition on minimum price fixing, the pundits writing in the wake of <i>Leegin</i> have nevertheless hedged their bets on just how revolutionary the decision is. Their constant mantra is this: <i>Leegin</i> does not open the door to unrestrained resale price maintenance, but rather changes the rules under which courts will evaluate sales agreements setting minimum prices. No longer will courts treat them as unlawful <i>per se</i>; they will now evaluate their legality under something called 'the rule of reason.' If a court (or jury) concludes that an agreement establishing a minimum price is an 'unreasonable restraint of trade,' then the supplier has violated the antitrust laws. If the threat of treble damages from such a finding isn't sobering enough, writers warn us that courts may interpret state 'baby Sherman Acts' as still making resale price maintenance unlawful <i>per se</i>, regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court says.
Home Depot Faces Multiple Suits: Allegations of Health Hazards from Grout Sealer
August 31, 2007
When Gwinnett County, GA, resident James Flynn bought a spray can of grout sealer from his neighborhood Home Depot in July 2005, he could not have imagined that his purchase would land him in the hospital and cost him the use of a lung. However, Flynn's attorney, Frank Ilardi, said that when his client bought Tile Perfect Stand 'N Seal Spray-On Grout Sealer, its manufacturer had been fielding complaints for more than a month about potentially devastating effects associated with its use.
Building a Fire Wall: Missouri and New Jersey Hold the Line Against Plaintiffs' Efforts to Expand the Law of Public Nuisance
August 31, 2007
In its 2006 report on 'Judicial Hellholes',' the American Tort Reform Association ('ATRA') identified the plaintiff bar's aggressive use of public nuisance theories in product liability litigation as one of the key 'rising flames' that is threatening traditional judicial protections for defendants in the country's most plaintiff-friendly jurisdictions. As ATRA explained, 'personal injury lawyers and some attorneys general have been trying to move public nuisance theory far beyond its traditional boundaries in order to avoid the well-defined strictures of products liability law.' American Tort Reform Association, <i>Judicial Hellholes 2006</i>, at 9. In so doing, they seek to tilt the playing field dramatically in their favor by writing out of the common law a plaintiff's obligation of establishing actual causation, proximate causation, and control.
Green Issues in Commercial Office Leases
August 30, 2007
Tenants are beginning to address green issues in leases for many reasons, including reduced operating costs over the term of the lease and increased productivity among employees. In addition to corporate green policies or shareholder green initiatives, cities and localities such as Washington, DC; Montgomery County, MD; and Boston have passed green legislation of various kinds. Other cities such as Kansas City, MO are considering similar legislation. Many public entities such as the state of California and the city of Chicago have required compliance with green standards for their public buildings and offices for some time. The difference today with the new green legislation being passed in Washington, DC; Montgomery County, MD; and Boston is that the private sector both for commercial and residential projects of a certain scale, not just the public sector, will be required to comply with green standards. This will be especially true if a private development is receiving taxpayer funds. It is very likely that lawyers, real estate brokers, contractors, and other real estate professionals may need to address green issues when looking at space options, reviewing a lease, and constructing leasehold improvements ' not only for a client but also for their own office space.
Controlling the Spiraling Costs of Online Legal Research
August 30, 2007
There was a time when electronic services were supposed to replace books and lower costs. They've done neither. Instead, fees continue to rise each year — well beyond the rate of inflation, say law firm librarians (licensing fees are typically covered by confidentiality agreements). Surveyed librarians expressed dissatisfaction on pricing issues especially with the big-two online providers, Reed Elsevier Plc's LexisNexis and Thomson Corp.'s Westlaw.
The High Cost of FCPA Violations
August 30, 2007
Earlier this year, Baker Hughes Inc. ascended to the top of an exclusive and prominent list, but it is one on which few companies would want to be mentioned. On April 26, 2007, the Texas-based oil field products and services company announced that it was settling a federal probe alleging that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ('FCPA'), and that it would pay fines and penalties in excess of $44 million ' the largest combined punishment under that law. It was truly one for the record books ' at least for the time being.
Evolution of a Law Firm CFO
August 30, 2007
Twenty-two years ago, I received a call from a headhunter looking to hire a Controller for Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Johnson & Hutchison, a midsize and growing law firm with about 150 lawyers.
Equipment Finance in Canada: Changes to the Income Tax Act May Have an Impact
August 30, 2007
Canada's conservative minority government recently passed its 2007 Financial Budget (the 'Budget'), which will likely impact the equipment finance industry and particularly cross-border (U.S./Canada) transactions. Central to the Budget was the proposal to eliminate withholding tax on interest payments on loan transactions. As will be discussed below, the likely impact will be that traditional cross-border transactions will be restructured to: 1) provide for quicker repayment of the principal portion of the loan, and 2) provide a means for a greater number of less internationally focused commercial banks and finance companies to undertake cross-border transactions which, prior to the enactment of the new legislation, would have be seen as too complex. This second impact may cause a more competitive environment and further add liquidity to any already liquid market. It is not clear, however, that the proposed legislation will have a significant impact on larger transactions or the activities of internationally focused lenders. While there will likely be enhanced competition for smaller straightforward transactions than currently exists, the market for complex large transactions, while restructured, will have the same level of competition as currently exists.