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We found 2,095 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Applying the Doctrine of Incorporation by Estoppel in New York
May 01, 2016
The incorporation by estoppel doctrine is today well established in the Commercial Division. Accordingly, defendants who contract or otherwise deal with an entity as a corporation run the risk of being estopped from denying the entity's corporate existence in any action arising out of such contract or dealing.
How to Run Your Law Firm More Like a Business
May 01, 2016
If your firm is like most, your top goals include growing revenue, and in turn, increasing profitability. You've implemented practice management software, and probably even a customer relationship management (CRM) system to help you achieve those objectives. Now what?
Debating Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms
May 01, 2016
Lawyers love a debate, and it looks like a doozy is set concerning nonlawyer ownership of law firms (NLO). The president of the New York State Bar Association, David P. Miranda, has requested that New York lawyers just "Say No to Nonlawyer Ownership (NLO)."
Millennials Approaching Partnership: Now What?
May 01, 2016
Since debuting in law firms nearly a decade ago, the latest generation of lawyers has raised more than a few eyebrows.
This Very Curious Real Estate Cycle
May 01, 2016
Every commercial real estate cycle is basically the same ' including that point, somewhere in the mid to end of the cycle, at which people become convinced that this one will be different for some specific reason. And here we are at that point again.
How To Run Your Law Firm More Like a Business
April 01, 2016
If your firm is like most law firms, your top goals include growing revenue, and in turn, increasing profitability. You've implemented practice management software, and probably even a customer relationship management (CRM) system to help you achieve those objectives.
Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession: It's Time to Make It Stop
April 01, 2016
In 1992, the American Bar Association implemented a policy to take action on sexual harassment in the legal profession ' stating that it was a "serious problem" constituting a discriminatory and unprofessional practice. According to the report, "lawyers play a special role in educating society about sexual harassment and eliminating it from the workplace.
Leasing Can Make Your Information Security Processes Bullet Proof
April 01, 2016
Security issues are cited repeatedly as the number one concern for law firms and most recently topped all other current trends. This year, firms are estimated to spend more than $6.9 million or 1.92% of their gross annual revenues on information security.
The Coming Tsunami in the Legal Profession
April 01, 2016
There have been four waves of change over the last 50 years. We are now entering the fifth wave and this one will be a tsunami. The lawyers who do not recognize the trends will not be able to enter a new era and survive. The fifth wave will turn partnership leverage, compensation systems and the business model upside down. There is not much time to make the incremental changes that will support sustained profitability in law firms.
The Power of the Business Plan
April 01, 2016
A powerful business plan can change your life, especially if you are in a moment of transition with your practice. Any lawyer who wants to have his or her own clients ' or more of their own clients ' should outline their plan to obtain that goal. Arguably, the most critical juncture is when you are looking at other firms in hopes of making a lateral move, but there are no bad times to put together an action plan for expanding your practice.