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Strategic Planning for 2024: New Considerations for Legal Industry Leaders
February 01, 2024
The business landscape over the last few years has been changing at an ever-increasing speed, and 2024 promises to be no different. To effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities that present themselves, leaders need to adopt a fresh approach to strategic planning.
Landmines In Bankruptcy Practice, Part II
February 01, 2024
By enforcing deadlines strictly, refusing to hear appeals from interlocutory orders, and rarely bypassing the district court for direct appeals, appellate courts have generally avoided what they view as unnecessary work and delay. But a few courts have made important exceptions in the past year.
Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence In CRE and Law Firm Practice
February 01, 2024
In addition to boosting efficiency and productivity, GenAI's new technological capabilities hold the promise of empowering lawyers to offer more precise and insightful guidance to their clients.
Contours of Bribery Analyzed By Second Circuit In Bank Corruption Case
February 01, 2024
This article analyzes the Second Circuit's decision, which rejected the defense's arguments for narrowing the definition of "corruptly" and a "thing of value" in the context of Section 215(a)(2).
Can Anti-SLAPP Motion Denials Be Immediately Appealed?
February 01, 2024
In a move of keen interest to the entertainment industry, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has agreed to review whether a judge's denial of a motion to strike a California Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation suit can be immediately appealed by the defendant who claims the case was brought solely to chill its speech.
DE Bankruptcy Court Decision Provides Reminder of Potential Consequences of Violating the Automatic Stay
February 01, 2024
An opinion from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware provides a reminder of the potentially severe punishment that a party can suffer as a result of its violation of the automatic stay of Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, even if the debtor does not suffer any actual damages as a result of the violation.
White Box vs. Black Box Compensation Systems
February 01, 2024
Having a compensation system that clearly outlines partner expectations, provides the partners with the ability to validate the results by communicating the results back to them does more to build collegiality than an opaque system that, by its design, promotes distrust and ill will among partners.
Navigating Legal Real Estate Issues in the Cannabis Industry
February 01, 2024
This article explores just a few of the major legal opportunities and pitfalls associated with real estate in the cannabis industry, shedding light on some of the potential complexities and issues that businesses and investors may face.
The Case for Partnering with a Financial Advisor
February 01, 2024
Unless you carry the correct licenses, it makes sense to develop a relationship with several financial advisors and refer business from time to time.
How New York Times' Lawsuit Over AI Software Copying Differs From Prior Copyright Complaints
February 01, 2024
The New York Times' copyright infringement lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft is said to be AI's "Napster Moment." But observers are torn about the case's legal merits, citing differing views around how exactly AI "Large Language Models" are trained.