The Subprime Lending Crisis: What Does It Mean to the Leasing Industry?
April 27, 2007
The news is full of stories about the substantial, long-term effects of the subprime mortgage crisis on the mortgage-lending industry. But little has been written about how it will affect other market segments like the leasing industry. There will certainly be spillover, although it won't be as dramatic. This article explores what the leasing industry should be looking for, and doing, in response to this crisis.
The Time Is Now for Mobile Time Entry
April 27, 2007
Very few firms, even in the legal market ' the industry that pioneered the enterprise use of mobile devices ' have deployed additional applications to their mobile users. According to ILTA's 2006 Technology Survey ' Aggregate Answers from 'Large' and 'Very Large' firms, aggregate usage of PDAs at large firms is pegged at 74%, yet only 5% of those firms offer any of their users a mobile version of one of any lawyer's core applications, time entry.
Negotiating Tips for Mobile-Game Developmental Deals
April 27, 2007
Part One discussed mobile-game players, the industry playing field, content ownership issues and developer credits. Licensing Celebrities and Brands Just like its more traditional console and PC counterparts, the mobile-game industry has its fair share of celebrity and brand-name licenses. The correct celebrity association can make or break a game, and even a boring game might gain some level of success just because of its association with a particularly famous person or brand. In 2006, Hands-On…
Movers & Shakers
April 27, 2007
News about lawyers and law firms in the commercial leasing industry.
Lawyer Ads in Cyberspace
April 27, 2007
New York State's new ethical rules governing attorney advertising, which went into effect on Feb. 1, 2007, specifically address the use of Internet and electronic technology to advertise attorney services and serve as an example of how other states may revise their attorney advertising rules as well.
Movers & Shakers
April 27, 2007
News about the people leading the e-commerce industry.
<b><i>Practice Tip:</b></i> Managing Your Metadata
April 27, 2007
New amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ('FRCP') identify electronically stored information, tangible and intangible, as discoverable (relevant, non-privileged) information. This altered landscape, which took shape when the existing rules were amended and the amended rules took effect in December, is one that e-commerce enterprises must size up and become familiar with.
Shield Your Firm From Cybercrime
April 27, 2007
Everyone today is on high alert about the threats of Internet fraud, identity theft and white-collar crime ' or if not, they should be. Internet criminals are constantly cultivating new tactics, and law-enforcement agencies are doing everything they can to head them off.
The Death of a Salesman ' Online
April 27, 2007
The situation is no better in today's competitive international and online economy than in 1949 when Arthur Miller penned his masterpiece 'Death of a Salesman' ' bleak and unforgiving. Whatever he or she might feel about a customer, the sales representative must follow the basic rule of sales: The customer is always right (even when the customer is wrong). With better and more readily accessible knowledge of competing sellers' pricing, customers can comparison shop for the lowest price almost without cost or delay. The lure of a slightly lower price online can make a customer forget the service and support that a good rep can provide. And all the goodwill established by the rep's prior work pales next to a slight price break, from the customer's perspective.
The Expansion of Product Liability Theory
April 26, 2007
Depending on the source cited, California's expanding economy ranks in size, worldwide, anywhere between six and 10, if California were a country in and of itself. <i>(</i> California's position as a stand-alone economy may be matched as a stand-alone jurisdiction if recent appellate and trial court decisions permitting the expansion of the product liability theory to claims of environmental damage are upheld.