Big Law's Trojan Horse: Are the Big Four Preparing an Invasion?
January 01, 2019
<b><i>Law Firms Partner With the Big Four to Serve Their Clients, But the Accountants Pose an Existential Threat. What Will Happen If — or When — They Turn Competitive?</b></i><p>For law firm leaders, rank-and-file partners and everyone else in the law firm ecosystem, the Big Four shouldn't be a laughing matter. They are serious about selling legal services, and clients are listening.
The Strategy of What You Don't Invest In
December 01, 2018
Advanced technology isn't free. Outfitting your team with equipment that will move the needle can require an impossibly large capital outlay. The solution may not be, therefore, to purchase all that gear. It may be to lease or finance it.
New Partners Don't Know What to Expect After Promotion, Survey Shows
December 01, 2018
<b><i>More Law Firms Are Paving the Path to Partner, But What Happens Once One Gets There Is Less Than Certain</b></i><p>In some ways, the country's most recently promoted partners are more prepared than ever to take on their new roles. But the change still comes with its surprises.
Strawberry Fields For Sale
December 01, 2018
On Oct. 3, 2018, the Chapter 11 Liquidating Plan of Eclipse Berry Farms, LLC was confirmed, concluding a two-year journey from one of the largest strawberry growers in the country to the cessation of operations and eventual liquidation.