Software and Business Method Inventions After <i>Alice</i>
November 01, 2016
As important as software and business method inventions are in the new digital economy, it is often unclear whether they can be patented. This uncertainty is largely due to a legal rule that “abstract ideas” are not eligible for patent protection, which is based on a long line of U.S. Supreme Court cases, with <i>Alice Corporation v. CLS Bank</i> being the most recent and influential.
Increase of IP Cyberthefts on the Horizon, and Many Unprepared
October 31, 2016
Though cybertheft of intellectual property is predicted to dramatically increase over the next 12 months, a significant portion of companies has yet to fully secure their IP assets, according to a survey released by Deloitte Cyber Risk Services.
IP News
October 31, 2016
Fed. Cir.: Patent Application Provided Sufficient Written Description to Provide Priority Date<br>Fed Cir: Patent Trial Appeals Board's Decision on Assignor Estoppel is Not Reviewable<br>Fed. Cir.: Automatic Method for Lip Synchronization and Facial Expressions of Animated Characters is Patentable Subject Matter
Photo Agency's Suit Against <i>Oh No They Didn't!</i> At Ninth Circuit
October 31, 2016
A photo agency that sued the owner of online tabloid Oh No They Didn't! for copyright infringement is hoping to reverse a ruling that threw out its case, prompting Pinterest and others to weigh in and argue that reviving the case could erode legal protections afforded to Internet service providers.
Supreme Court Term Promises to Be IP Blockbuster
October 18, 2016
With four IP cases on the docket and several more knocking at the door of certiorari, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised for a banner year of patent, trademark and copyright decisions.
Board of Editors
October 06, 2016
Accounting and Financial Planning for Law Firms
Lawrence L. Bell
Advisors, LLC, Kensington, MD
Wayne Berkowitz
Berdon LLP, New York
IP News
October 01, 2016
Federal Circuit: Actual Controversy Existed When Patent Owner Did Not Know Existence of Specific Products<br>Federal Circuit Upholds Prosecution Estoppel Determination<br>
To Sue or Not to Sue for Trademark Infringement
September 01, 2016
A strong trademark can be a company's most significant asset. Infringement, however, can strip the trademark of its value by causing "confusion among consumers" as to the identity and origin of the client's product.
Patents: When the 'Plain and Ordinary' Meaning Is Neither Plain Nor Ordinary
September 01, 2016
It is common in patent cases for the patentee to ascribe "plain and ordinary" meaning to terms in a patent claim, while the defendant often seeks a narrower construction. But what if the parties agree that "plain and ordinary" applies but then dispute what the plain and ordinary meaning should be?
IP News
September 01, 2016
Federal Circuit: <i>Halo Electronics</i> Sent Back to District Court <br>