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We found 2,409 results for "Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy"...

Case Notes
March 01, 2019
Contractual Allocation of Damage Risk Thwarts Insurer's Subrogation Claim<br>Lacking Specifics, Lease Term Is Unenforceable
Common-Area Risk Abatement: Who is Responsible?
February 01, 2019
When customers, employees and others invited to or simply passing by a leased commercial property are injured, and want compensation, who will be on the hook for the costs of bodily injury and property damage — the landlord, the tenant, the maintenance and security contractor hired by them, or some combination of these?
The Bankruptcy Code's Inherent Limitations for Struggling Golf Courses
February 01, 2019
<b><i>Part Two of a Two-Part Article</b></i><p>As addressed in the first part of this article last month, addressing the problems confronting golf course owners seeking financial restructuring under Chapter 11, the ability of a debtor to reject a restrictive covenant under Section 365 or to sell free and clear of a covenant under Section 363(f) is limited and the obstacles are difficult to surmount.
Commercial Rent Control in New York: Back Again?
February 01, 2019
As retail vacancies have multiplied in New York City in recent years, some in the City Council have advocated for the reconsideration of commercial rent control, as set out in a proposed piece of legislation, the Small Business Jobs Survival Act This article provides a brief, nontechnical review of the bill and the legal and practical hurdles it faces if enacted.
Landlord & Tenant
January 01, 2019
Loft Tenant Subject to Rent Stabilization<br>Video Surveillance a Substitute for Part-Time Lobby Attendants
What to Consider When Drafting Renewal and/or Expansion Terms in Arbitration Clauses
January 01, 2019
Navigating through a murky arbitration clause is no easy feat. Assuming familiarity with the basics, the following is a list of considerations that should prove valuable whether representing the tenant or the landlord.
The Bankruptcy Code's Inherent Limitations for Struggling Golf Courses
January 01, 2019
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</b></i><p>This article describes conflicts with zoning boards and neighbors as it relates to distressed golf course properties and the methods sometimes available in the bankruptcy realm for working around the problem of restrictive covenants that run with the land.
Case Notes
January 01, 2019
Without Contractual Consent to Inspection, Lack of Protest Doesn't Excuse Landlord's Trespass<br>Resulting Trust Found Where Commercial Property Held in Just One Partner's Name
Landlord & Tenant
December 01, 2018
Video Surveillance an Adequate Substitute for Lobby Attendants<br>Yellowstone Injunction Unavailable When Tenant Could Not Establish Willingness to Cure<br>Landlord Prevails In Nonprimary Residence Proceeding
A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way: A High-Level Overview of Liability Insurance Provisions in a Retail Lease Agreement
December 01, 2018
Despite their seemingly lackluster nature, well-drafted insurance provisions in a contract between a landlord and tenant can be extremely important when it comes to mitigating potential exposure and protecting a shopping center's assets.