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In the Marketplace
September 01, 2006
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
Hedge Funds Target Film Productions
September 01, 2006
Hedge funds have gone Hollywood. Chasing high returns, money managers are plunking down hundreds of millions of dollars to finance films such as 'Superman Returns' and 'Nanny McPhee.' At the same time, the influx of money from hedge funds and private-equity firms is reshaping film-financing deals, leading entertainment lawyers toward lucrative transactions and new clients who might want a little glamour-by-association.
Film Industry Faces Complex Issues in Move to Gain Digital Revenues
September 01, 2006
Like other sectors of the entertainment industry, the film industry is looking to the digital age for new revenue streams. Even with digital-piracy concerns, film studios are positioning themselves to capitalize on Internet sales of their products. This summer, for example, motion pictures from several major studios and key independent providers became available on CinemaNow for downloading and copying by consumers for DVD-machine play. In the following interview ' conducted by Entertainment Law & Finance Editor-in-Chief, Stan Soocher ' George A. Cooke, a law partner in the New York office of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, discusses distribution of motion pictures in the digital age.
EDD Market Growth Will Continue
September 01, 2006
Our survey covered the 2005 calendar year. Based on our research, we estimate that 2005 commercial EDD revenues were nearly $1.3 billion, up 56% from 2004. We estimate that the top 30 providers collected about $450 million. An additional 360-plus providers accounted for another $455 million, while 'do-it-yourself' firms (law firms and companies handling EDD work themselves that otherwise would have been sent to a provider) represented $90 million.
For Bally Total Fitness, Timing Is Everything in Franchising Decision
August 31, 2006
Bally Total Fitness is one of the most recognized brands in the U.S. fitness industry and the largest purchaser of fitness equipment in the country. The company spends $55 million annually on marketing and media support, and it offers the power of more than 40 years of business success and 20,000 employees that make the company strong ' all key components to a successful and highly sought-after franchising program. So why hasn't Bally implemented a national franchising program?
Vietnam's New Franchise Law: Momentum for Country Experiencing Strong Consumer Demand Growth
August 31, 2006
Franchising is a relatively new but rapidly developing strategy in Vietnam. Although there are currently few business franchise systems based on the traditional Western model currently operating in Vietnam, there is an increasing presence of established international franchise systems currently operating through company-owned and-managed outlets and increasing numbers of local systems, albeit at an early 'product distribution' evolutionary stage. The commercial environment for franchising is increasingly favorable: Vietnam is the fastest-growing Asian economy after China and India, and it is experiencing strong GDP growth and annual retail growth of more than 20%. There is a steady rise in disposable income, an emerging new consumer class, and increasing brand consciousness.
Legal Technology Training Needs New Approach
August 31, 2006
Software trainers find the need for computer training never-ending. In many firms, including law firms that advise e-commerce counsel, training programs abound, but users don't seem to be gaining ground fast enough to master the array of desktop applications.
The Stock Option Grant Issue
August 31, 2006
Just as everyone involved with executive compensation matters was settling in to address the impact of the new accounting rules under FAS 123R, the requirements of the stock exchanges, the deferred compensation rules under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 409A, the new Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC) proxy rules and the proper balance between adequate executive compensation and good governance, a new jolt came into play in the executive compensation arena.
Law Firms Look At Closing Pay Systems
August 31, 2006
Unlike the vast majority of businesses in the United States, law firms generally operate under open systems that disclose the compensation of individual attorneys. The closed systems at Jones Day and Greenberg Traurig are major exceptions. But some observers say that law firms are moving toward closed systems as they function more like businesses and less like true partnerships.
The Prudent Investor Rule
August 31, 2006
The Prudent Investor Rule sets forth the basic rules governing the conduct of fiduciaries in the management of trust assets. While the legal standards for investment fiduciaries can be traced as far back as an 1830 Massachusetts court case creating the redecessor 'Prudent Man' standard, the Prudent Investor Rule is of much more recent origin.