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We found 6,207 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

<b>Technology In Marketing: </b> CRM: How Lawyers Can Benefit
June 29, 2006
Lawyers work hard, graduate from law school, and survive the grueling years of being an associate. Over time, they network, build a healthy book of business and a steady flow of referrals. Lawyers who hail from the GenX or GenY tribe are intimately comfortable with technology and probably own a Blackberry or Treo so they can be in touch and stay organized. But unless they plan to practice solo for the rest of their lives, they're likely to run into Client Relationship Management (CRM) technology.
<b>Media & Communication Corner: </b>A 'No Comment' Alternative
June 29, 2006
There is an old adage in the public relations business ' Mark Twain and Voltaire are each said to have coined it ' that goes: 'Never argue with anyone who buys ink by the 500-gallon drum.' The corollary would be: 'Don't ever offer a 'no comment' to the press, either.'<br>Maintaining a productive relationship with the press can, and should, help lawyers in the long run, and in some cases may be crucial to your business goals or those of your client in the future. But the downside to developing open and comfortable relationships with the press is obvious; sooner or later, you will get a call you don't want. Maybe lots of calls. So what do you do when a reporter comes calling, and it's your judgment that an on-the-record response is not in your best interests, or those of your clients?
<b><i>Focus: Canada</b></i> MLF Canadian 10: Two Standouts
June 29, 2006
The original thought behind the MLF Canadian listing was to have 20 Canadian firms that could be ranked on the basis of their marketing and communications programs. For a variety of reasons, it was decided that the final list should consist of 10 firms, and that these firms should not be ranked, but rather listed in alphabetical order.
<b><i>Focus: Canada</b></i> Law Firm Marketing in Canada
June 29, 2006
By many accounts, the leading Canadian law firms have moved from reluctant marketers undertaking a few traditional tactics, to become law firms with a heightened focus toward strategic business development. It is noticeable how many firms have painstakingly sought out the right senior talent, bringing marketing and business development expertise to lead the effort of growing the business and building competitive advantage. Equally as many firms have engaged the services of agencies and marketing consultants to enhance profile and build brands. As a result, we find the majority of firms have dropped ineffective marketing or business development committees, leaving management of the department and activities to the senior marketing professionals. There remains a group of law firms in the country, however, whose prime marketing goal is largely communications, and whose marketing orientation has not yet matured to more tangible, client focussed and measurable priorities.
The 'Big Picture'
June 29, 2006
Let's say you're the firm's chief marketing officer. You're about to sit down with the managing partner to discuss the firm's marketing efforts and how they fit into its overall business strategy. Here are 10 questions you should be prepared to answer clearly and concisely.
Technology Conversions: More Than Just Software
June 29, 2006
A recent asset finance industry conference I attended showcased the new generation of technology platforms being introduced to the market. Most of the presentations to the inquisitive audience focused on the pure functionality of the various software programs ' their capabilities and limitations.
E-mail Formatting Can Affect Content Delivery
June 29, 2006
E-mail is a convenient and powerful method of communication with billions of e-mail messages transmitted everyday. As common as e-mail is however, there is still some mystery concerning the use of e-mail programs and the types of corresponding message formats. Why is this worth discussing? Because message formats have a direct effect on how text and text formatting are displayed, the size of the messages, and if the message text is received at all.
Risk Management and Basel II: Time to Start Thinking About a Solution
June 29, 2006
Over the last several years, governments around the world have been passing regulations to ensure the integrity of the global financial system. One such regulation is Basel II.
Succession Planning Is Essential for Law Firm Survival
June 29, 2006
A major challenge law firms face today is the continued aging of their partnerships. One of the principal reasons for this is that 'baby boomers' are approaching retirement. While this is a problem for all businesses and professions in the United States, it is particularly serious for law firms because it poses a threat to their future survival. While many senior partners are both physically and mentally able to continue practicing, firms are beginning to recognize that succession planning, for both client and management responsibilities, has become essential if the firms are to continue in existence.
Patent Quality Improvements in the Works at the USPTO
June 29, 2006
In its ongoing efforts to improve the examination of software patents and resolve continued concerns over their quality, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ('PTO') has partnered with IBM, Open Source Development Labs ('OSDL'), and the open source community to try and achieve this goal. Among the proposals is the idea of establishing a searchable database containing an index of open source computer code. This database should make it easier for software code developers and patent examiners to locate relevant prior art.