Store Closing Lease Rejection in 'Shiekh Shoes'
October 01, 2018
Store closing or liquidation sales are a routine part of Chapter 11 cases involving retail debtors. These sales are consistently authorized by bankruptcy courts, despite lease provisions purporting to forbid them.
Inside the New Tax Act's Changes to Carried Interest
October 01, 2018
Phil Jelsma, a partner and chair of the tax practice team at a San Diego-based commercial real estate law firm talks about the changes to carried interest, how this will impact commercial real estate investment and what investors should do now to comply.
Case Notes
October 01, 2018
Insurance Lapse Deemed Not Curable<br>Uncertain Method for Determining Future Rent Dooms Renewal Rights
New Development Projects: The Reports of Demise Were Greatly Exaggerated
September 01, 2018
Numerous shopping center developers use a “layer-cake” of financing, including state and federal tax incentives to reduce the costs of debt and equity financing. The industry correctly saw that the market value of the credits would drop once the Jobs Act become effective. Such tax cut could undoubtedly impact the ability of developers to raise equity, certainly for new projects not yet placed in service.
Opportunity Zones and Commercial Real Estate
September 01, 2018
One of the many provisions of last year's tax overhaul was the creation of a little-noticed program called Opportunity Zones, which was designed to give investors tax breaks for investments in designated areas. Now, attention is starting to pick up as the program takes shape.
Landlord & Tenant
September 01, 2018
Subletting Rent Stabilized Apartment for Short Periods Is Not a Curable Defect<br>Tenant May Terminate When Landlord Failed to Cure Landmarks Violation<br>Breach and Fraudulent Inducement Claims Survive Motion to Dismiss<br>Late Fees Not Enforceable<br>Subtenants Not Entitled to 30 Day Notice
The Bankruptcy Code's Inherent Limitations for Struggling Golf Courses
September 01, 2018
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</b></i><p>A simple Web search will unearth countless privately-owned golf courses that have closed, are for sale, or have sought bankruptcy protection as an avenue toward a financial restructuring or redevelopment. However, there are limitations on what the owner of a golf course can accomplish in Chapter 11 when the property is burdened with restrictive covenants limiting the use of the property.
Summary of Developments Under New York's Environmental Quality Act
September 01, 2018
The courts issued 41 decisions in 2017 under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, and changes were made to regulations themselves this year. This article summarizes the most important of these cases and regulation changes, and the patterns they represent.
Case Notes
September 01, 2018
Tenant Improvement Does Not Shift Repair Responsibility Away from Landlord<br>Attorney Fees Not Court-Ordered Cannot Be Recouped by Withholding Rent