Clearing Up Executive Compensation
May 30, 2006
In Part One, the authors summarized the SEC's proposal to revamp the rules governing the disclosure of executive and director compensation. They focused on the proposal's treatment of current compensation. Part Two picks up with a look at outstanding equity interests, covers post-employment and other types of compensation and benefits, and also discusses other effects of the proposal on corporate counsel.
Antitrust Liability For Joint Ventures
May 30, 2006
The term 'joint venture' encompasses a wide range of business combinations, some of which are simply contractual agreements between independent parties, others of which involve the creation of new entities through consolidation, and some of which involve both integration and contractual agreements. Because joint ventures comprise such a diverse array of business structures, they often defy easy characterization for antitrust purposes: Is a venture best viewed as a merger? A price-fixing agreement? Something in between? This characterization problem contributed to significant confusion in the courts over the proper scope of antitrust liability for joint ventures. <br>At one time, courts routinely declared unlawful a variety of joint ventures, many of which were plainly pro-competitive. The Supreme Court's decision in <i>Texaco, Inc. v. Dagher</i>, clarifies the application of the antitrust laws to joint ventures, and narrows the scope of potential liability for these types of business combinations.
Measuring ROI for Marketing Efforts
May 30, 2006
Management guru and author Peter Drucker said, 'If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.' So why is it that so few law firms measure their marketing efforts? Why is it that so many Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) who are getting hammered by partners to demonstrate ROI on their efforts can't do it?
The Absolute Priority Rule
May 30, 2006
Debtors in bankruptcy cases have long sought to make distributions to old equity without running afoul of the absolute priority rule. Time and again, debtors' efforts to leave old equity with value in a reorganized entity have been challenged in the appellate courts, and often in the Supreme Court. A proposed distribution to old equity in the complex Armstrong World Industries (AWI) case was struck down recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Court. <i>In re Armstrong World Indus., Inc.</i>, 432 F.3d 507 (3rd Cir. 2005).
Dismantling the 'Great Wall' of Risk
May 30, 2006
A growing number of lessors exhibiting cautious optimism are slowly, but successfully, knocking down the 'great wall' that separates them from turning lease financing into a mainstream financial product in China. Investing in the Chinese leasing market can be a sound decision for lessors whose customers are asking for leases there; who can effectively manage the risks; and who are equipped to deal with major differences between the United States and China, which include language, culture, and the number and nature of business regulations.
What Do You Want To Read?
May 26, 2006
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What Do You Want To Read?
May 26, 2006
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What Do You Want To Read?
May 26, 2006
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