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Compliance Hotline
October 05, 2005
Recent rulings you need to know.
Retail Property Values and Land Use Regulation: Judicial Approaches to Measuring Diminution of Value and Legal Strategies to Redress Loss of Property Value
October 04, 2005
Landlords and tenants who want to understand judicial methods for measuring diminution of property value resulting from land use regulation must first understand the U.S. Supreme Court's takings jurisprudence. Of course, federal takings standards only set the "floor" of constitutional protection. State constitutions may set a higher level of constitutional protection. Although state courts may find a taking in situations where a federal court would not, their approaches to valuation generally mirror the various approaches taken by the federal courts. This two-part article will discuss several Supreme Court takings tests and offer some legal strategies for dealing with them.
The MLF 50: More From the Top Firms
October 03, 2005
In my continuing effort to present as many of the firms that were listed in the MLF 50, I am pleased to profile Baker &amp; McKenzie (No. 6) and Carlton Fields (No. 22) in this issue of <i>Marketing The Law Firm</i>.
12 Steps to a Successful Client Interview Program
October 03, 2005
As every good business developer knows, the majority of new business and referrals comes from existing clients; and law firms are increasing their commitment to meet with their clients. The goal of a client interview program is to garner information that will enhance a law firm's business-development and marketing efforts by gaining insights into client needs and objectives. This information is essential to gaining new business, while at the same time providing specific recommendations (from the eyes of the client) as to how the firm can ensure client retention and enhance the client relationship. Interviews provide data that can be used to determine and develop specific strategies related to client retention and business development.
Your Guide to Getting on the Web: Starting from Scratch
October 03, 2005
Although the vast majority of large law firms and indeed perhaps every single large law firm may already have a Web site, and although most medium-sized firms have them as well, there still are many solo practitioners and smaller firms that do not. The failure to have a Web site already is, at the least, unusual; lawyers and firms that do not remedy that situation in the very near future will certainly be making a serious and perhaps fatal business and tactical mistake. So get cracking!
Internal Media Communications Planning: Getting the Entire Firm Involved
October 03, 2005
While a law firm's internal media communications plan should be developed at the highest levels of the organization, the finalized program should not be limited to the activities of a select few partners and executives. It is important to remember that media inquiries can come to any staff member at any time. For this reason, it is critical that the entire firm ' from the managing partner to administrative assistants and other support staff ' be on board with the internal media communication program.
Utilizing a Unique Communications Platform: Video Conferencing
October 03, 2005
With so many efficiency-boosting technologies available today to help you manage and grow your law firm, it is sometimes difficult to identify the right ones to implement. Given recent trends, it is abundantly clear that law firms are focusing their investments on technologies that can have the greatest impact on growing their bottom line. Due to its numerous benefits, including significant productivity gains, cost savings and employee safety, video conferencing is at the top of the list.
Staying Competitive in the Lateral Partner Market
October 03, 2005
Part One, last month, discussed how firms can stay competitive through lateral partner recruiting. This month, the article continues with more advice, and stresses the importance of telling a candidate why he or she should join your firm.
<b>Professional Development Universe: </b>Business Decision: An Investment in Professional Development
October 03, 2005
With this issue, we began a monthly column intended to promote new thinking about professional development in law firms.
Ringtones Breed Tension Within Music Industry
October 03, 2005
Ringtones funneled $3.5 billion into music-industry coffers last year, and insiders say they may account for 25% of music sales by the end of 2006, thanks to millions of consumers paying $3 for 25-second versions of songs ' when a full-length version of a hit can be purchased for just 99 cents on a digital music store such as Apple Computer's iTunes. <br>Even more mind-boggling is the disarray this suddenly popular technology has caused, as lawyers for music publishers, record labels, performance-rights organizations, re-cording artists, ringtone vendors and others in the music industry struggle to determine how laws that govern the sales of its products apply to ringtones. Recording companies and publishers have always argued about money, and now they have intellectual-property ambiguities and a gigantic new revenue stream to fight over. Publishers, historically the industry's stepchild, may have the upper hand this time.