Small Business Tenants: Know Thy Lease
October 01, 2022
Many landlords are loyal to their tenants and only increase rates at the end of the current lease. Others take a more aggressive approach. They actively find creative ways using lease restrictions to evict tenants. While this isn't necessarily fair, it is legal.
IP News
October 01, 2022
Federal Circuit: Trade Dress Imitation In the Ninth Circuit
Avoid Making Tech Decisions In Crisis Mode
September 01, 2022
Some law firms are realizing that the hasty, though necessary, decisions made to facilitate remote work should be revisited or undone. Many of the tools implemented in an emergency are insufficient to withstand the increasing cybersecurity threats law firms are facing today. The good news, though, is that it's not too late to implement the right tech to protect your firm.
Why Collaborate: The Future of Legal Services Is Human
September 01, 2022
It is no surprise that in this environment many lawyers are prioritizing qualitative factors, such as work-life balance and feeling appreciated and recognized at work, rather than compensation alone when choosing where to work. Why is it no surprise? Because many of their employers began valuing quality over quantity with their ALSPs years ago. And this shift might do even more for your organization.
The Story Behind AFM & SAG-AFTRA Royalty Fund Distribution Litigation
September 01, 2022
The case of a session musician's unpaid royalties revealed a gross lack of initiative on the part of the trustees and directors of AFM & SAG-AFTRA Intellectual Property Rights Distribution Fund and that the fund administrators had made little if any effort for years to distribute funds to thousands of session musicians and backup singers.
Managing Well-Being In the Legal Industry
September 01, 2022
A recent LMA Well-Being Wednesday program provided a range of big ideas and small tips for legal marketers and law firms on implementing a well-being program.
Legal Sales Strategies
September 01, 2022
The "best choice" provider pitch may not be the optimal sales strategy. It's better to adjust to where the prospect is in their buying decision process — whether that means they are looking for providers, they are studying the situation, they already have counsel, or they have decided not to address the issue.