Media & Communications Corner <b>Media Relations: A Look Back and A Look Forward</b>
December 07, 2004
It continues to be a great pleasure for the media relations professionals at Jaffe Associates to contribute our viewpoints on the publicity issues and trends that all of you face each day. Since becoming regular columnists for <i>Marketing the Law Firm</i>, we have covered a number of topics that we hope have been educational and even inspirational. Here, we take a look back at these columns and tell you some of next year's topics.
A Haven For Straight Talk <b>New Year's Resolution: Kicking the Ad-diction</b>
December 07, 2004
I have a confession to make: I am occasionally wrong. There. I've said it, and I can move on. I've heard that admitting you have a problem is the first step towards a cure, and so I'm well on the road to recovery. Now it's time for our industry to admit it has a problem and take a similar step towards wellness ' Advertising.
Deploying IP Assets as Loan Collateral: An Emerging Trend
December 02, 2004
Over the last 15 years, there has been a shift toward more creativity in the monetization of intellectual property. Companies are no longer simply utilizing patents as defensive weapons in actions against aggressors in patent assertions and follow-on infringement actions. Strategic licensing securitizations and collateralizations have provided new and thoughtful approaches to effectively leverage the technology asset value inherent in patents and other IP.
In The Marketplace
November 30, 2004
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
Strategic Selling Helps Small Law Firms Narrow The Gap And Bring In New Work
November 30, 2004
Firms that want to be successful in bringing in new business must do more than simply tell prospective clients that they are better than their competition. Law firms must be able to show why they are different, and more importantly, how they will help the general counsel improve his or her bottom line. For a small to midsize firm, keeping up with the large firms who have unlimited marketing budgets can be tough. But technology is allowing small firms like ours to narrow that gap.
Starting From Scratch
November 30, 2004
The number of new law firms formed by partners that have split off from existing firms is on the rise. As such, these partners, who may never have been involved in technology decisions at their previous firms, have to start from scratch in order to implement the computer systems, e-mail systems, financial and practice management software needed to conduct business.
Law Firm Performance 2004 ' Highlights
November 30, 2004
For the industry as a whole, the economic performance of law firms in 2004 was quite good. Indeed, given the overall state of the national economy and the dire early predictions of some pundits, the performance of the industry was remarkable. Much of this positive performance was, of course, attributable to the continuing strength of litigation practices as well as, to a lesser extent, bankruptcy and reorganization activity.
Spousal Opportunity: Does It Exist?
November 29, 2004
Shortly after the entry of a divorce judgment, matrimonial litigants walk away with their respective pieces of the marital estate (sometimes with support or distributive payments to follow) and begin separate lives with separate interests. However, without adequate protections under the law, the value of the marital estate before that pivotal moment (and the value of each litigant's post-termination estate) could have been diminished by the actions of the other spouse. For this reason, some concept of a fiduciary obligation between spouses exists in the majority of the states. Whether in equitable distribution jurisdictions or community property jurisdictions "spouses must manage marital property with care shortly before the termination of the marriage to ensure that the full value of the marital estate gets divided justly according to the prevailing system of distribution.
Net News
November 29, 2004
Recent developments of note in the Internet industry.<br>This month:<br>Google Sues Internet Marketer Over False Ad Clicks <br>Movie Studios Take Cue From Record Industry ' File Suit against File-sharers <br>Another 761 Added To RIAA Tally <br>Perfect 10 Says Google Removes the Towel
New Tax Requirements for Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
November 29, 2004
In addition to or in lieu of broad-based tax-qualified retirement plans, employers often provide select executives or groups of executives with nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements. These "arrangements" may be in the form of a plan, a written agreement or even a clause in an employment agreement. Much like a "401(k)" tax-qualified retirement plan, these arrangements typically provide for an advance written election by the executive to defer the receipt of otherwise payable future compensation. However, unlike tax-qualified retirement plans, which by law must generally preclude the distribution of benefits prior to an event such as death, disability, retirement or separation from service with the employer maintaining the plan, many nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements have provided for far greater flexibility as to early access to plan funds. To date, the tax law has permitted nonqualified deferred compensation, along with the attendant deferral of tax revenues for the government, on the theory that it provided a tax-favored mechanism for the accumulation of additional savings for retirement. The implementation of nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements providing for distributions upon certain types of arguably foreseeable "hardships" (eg, to pay for college) or in return for a "haircut" forfeiture, cut against the notion that the revenue deferral effect on the government is outweighed by the benefit of permitting the accumulation of additional retirement funds, as these arrangements provide benefits which may not be used for purposes of retirement.