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We found 6,242 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

The Case of the Quiet Recall: CPSC's 2004 Civil Penalty Cases Hit 'Do-It-Yourself' Corrective Actions
December 29, 2004
In 1997, a company named Sun-It (a subsidiary of E&B Giftware) manufactured and distributed some 47,000 citronella candles known as the "Money to Burn Torch." As it happened, the wrapper surrounding the candle collected superheated melted wax. Some consumers reported to Sun-It that they had suffered serious burns when they blew on the candles or bumped into them. Others said that they had been burned when the candles unexpectedly flared. In all, over a period of 5 months, Sun-It received notice of 14 incidents in which consumers claimed to have suffered serious burns and permanent scarring after having been scalded by hot wax from the candles. Sun-It responded to these reports by stopping sale of the candles and recalling candles that remained in retail inventories. Nearly 17,000 candles, including roughly 3300 in unshipped inventory ' more than a third of the total production ' were recalled and destroyed.
Appreciation in Separate Real Property As Marital Property
December 27, 2004
The increase in value of a titled spouse's separate property is subject to equitable distribution as marital property "to the extent that such appreciation is due in part to the contributions or efforts of the other spouse." D.R.L. ' 236 (B)(1)(d)(3). The Court of Appeals has repeatedly determined that a broad interpretation be given to this exclusion so as to favor the inclusion of such appreciation as marital property: "We hold that under the Equitable Distribution Law an increase in the value of separate property of one spouse, occurring during the marriage and prior to the commencement of matrimonial proceedings, which is due in part to the indirect contributions or efforts of the other spouse as homemaker and parent, should be considered marital property.
Eminent Domain Law
December 27, 2004
Recent rulings you need to know.
Statistical Analysis
December 27, 2004
Complex statistical evidence -- based on huge samples, reams of academic and government studies and hours of testimony -- has been the weapon of choice in many epic battles. The list of major cases in which both sides have deployed legions of statistical experts is impressive: Bendectin, silicone breast-implants, Agent Orange and tobacco are just several of the many substances over which massive statistical battles have been waged. Currently, both sides of the debate over whether caps on non-economic damages help reduce medical malpractice insurance premiums are trading ground-shaking volleys of weapons-grade statistical analysis.
The Year in Review: Our Look Back and Look Forward
December 27, 2004
Last month we started our Year in Review, and made it up through June. In Part Two, we finish off the highlights of 2004.
Enhancing Your Firm's Web Presence
December 27, 2004
Your law firm's Web site design has remained static for years. While it may be functional, it's not generating the traffic you originally envisioned, it's not interactive and the overall design is looking a tad dated. You may also not have anyone in-house who can devote the requisite time and effort needed to make the firm's site a productive new business and practice development 24/7/365 marketing tool. <br>Many law firms still don't understand that a poorly designed Web site can damage the firm's credibility and impair its image. So what's the solution? Seek the services of a Web-crafting firm that will not just be a vendor, but a Web partner and architectural strategist.
Media & Communications Corner: <b>How To Make The Most Of A Stale News Story</b>
December 27, 2004
All marketing directors have experienced it. They receive an e-mail that describes a terrific deal closed or case "just" won by an attorney at the firm. The attorney requests a press release and a full-blown public relations push to all media outlets. But curiously, nowhere in the e-mail does the attorney mention when the big case or deal happened. As it turns out, it is because it happened more than a month ago and, since the client did its own press release immediately after the fact, every media outlet known to man covered it then. So how can a marketing director say no, without actually saying it? The dilemma is that you cannot send the release to the media again, weeks after the fact, but you don't want to tell the attorney that he or she has no options either. So here are some suggestions of how to make the most of old news.
Note From the Editor
December 27, 2004
Well we're off to another exciting year here at Marketing The Law Firm. I thought that I would give everyone a heads up on this year's "Best Of" competitions.
Peachtree Software Review
December 27, 2004
Peachtree software has been on the market for more than 25 years, and while in recent times it has played second string to QuickBooks, it doesn't have to anymore. Since this product line was acquired by Best Software, the maker of Timeslips, Peachtree has been transformed from the ugly duckling to the beautiful swan.
Making Merged Firms Work As One
December 27, 2004
Finding a merger candidate can be a daunting process. However, integrating a merged group of attorneys into a "new" firm's culture, practice environment and organizational structure so that attorneys from both firms work as one may be a greater challenge.