Fulbright & Jaworski Takes Pulse of 300 Corporate Counsel for Survey of U.S. Litigation Trends
September 02, 2004
What are the biggest litigation concerns right now in corporate America? What industries face the highest incidence of legal action? How do corporate law departments regard their litigation firms? And by what criteria do general counsel select the firms that litigate on their behalf, and what areas of legal service do they feel need the greatest improvement?
Expanding Law Firm Operations Globally
September 02, 2004
The June edition introduced numerous accounting-related issues that firms confront when they use foreign currencies. This new article raises additional accounting-related challenges of international compensation and taxation, while also highlighting the broader planning issues associated with a law firm's decision to expand its operations globally.
Physician Work Stoppage: The Legal Dilemma
August 31, 2004
Over the past year, with the medical malpractice crisis growing to encompass an ever-increasing number of states, physicians have wanted to implement strategies to force the issues out in the open and stimulate reforms. One strategy, which many physicians considered and far fewer implemented, was conducting some form of work stoppage. The concept of a work stoppage has generated a great deal of debate among physicians, medical societies, attorneys, law enforcement officials and legislators, both on legal and ethical grounds. What is the effect of antitrust law on these movements, and how can the outcomes of prior antitrust cases help to frame the legal debate concerning a physician work stoppage? If you have physician clients who are contemplating such actions as part of their efforts toward tort reform, what should you advise them?
Patent Licensing: A Checklist
August 31, 2004
Intellectual property portfolio management is an essential part of any tech company's business strategy. Part of the management strategy must include implementation…
The Future of Investment Company Governance
August 31, 2004
In the wake of the market timing and late trading scandals in the investment company industry, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or "Commission") recently adopted rules and rule amendments designed to enhance the governance practices of registered investment companies ("funds"). In an effort to protect shareholders and reduce conflicts of interest between fund boards and fund investment advisers, the SEC has adopted rules that, among other things, proscribe the composition of and processes for fund boards, increase the required disclosure regarding approval of investment advisory contracts and create the position of fund chief compliance officer (CCO) who reports to the board. This article addresses the responsibilities fund boards will face in the wake of these new rules.
Outsiders As Overseers
August 16, 2004
In the wake of Enron, WorldCom, and other corporate scandals, corporate governance has come under the microscope. One reform that has been widely endorsed is the election of more independent, outside, nonexecutive directors to boards of publicly owned corporations. Outside corporate directors provide not only accountability but also perspective, diverse experience, and credibility. <br>Law firms might well benefit from outside directors in the same way. Indeed, some non-U.S. firms have already done so.
Successful Succession Planning For Law Firms
August 16, 2004
Succession planning is one of those management issues that rarely gets much attention until a senior partner or rainmaker announces plans to leave or retire ' and then the firm goes into crisis mode.
An Examination of the Hotel Industry and Multi-Branded Franchisors
August 10, 2004
Franchises dominate such industries as fast food, automobile, rental car, and cosmetics, but perhaps no business model is as dependent on franchising as the hotel industry. As a result, the hotel industry presents an interesting study on how multi-branded franchisors deal with unique issues affecting the relationships between the franchisor and its franchisee, suppliers and vendors, and the traveling public.
News Briefs
August 10, 2004
Highlights of the latest franchising news from around the country.