Making Your Network Work
April 01, 2004
Ask any attorney in a specialized practice area to identify their most effective sources of new business, and you'll probably hear "referrals from other lawyers" listed as one of the best ways of meeting profitable new clients. One increasingly popular method of generating referrals from lawyers in other geographic areas is to participate in a law firm network or association.
Many Marketers, Many Styles
April 01, 2004
There are several schools of thought in the broader law marketing community about how lawyers can ' and should ' market effectively. In fact, entire courses are taught to provide lawyers with a consistent framework for marketing. These are all well and good, but it is important to remember that lawyers have different personalities and, with that, different styles of marketing.
Television Advertising for Business Law Firms
April 01, 2004
Advertising has been a consistent and critical component of Minneapolis-based Leonard, Street and Deinard's marketing plan for years. Currently a 180-attorney firm, in 1998 Leonard, Street and Deinard was one of the first business law firms in the Twin Cities to introduce a print advertising campaign, which ran primarily in local business and legal publications. As we looked to 2004, we knew we had to do something to break through the clutter. At the same time, we wanted to maximize the impact of our advertising communications while minimizing costs. Our advertising agency returned with an ambitious plan. They recommended that we no longer advertise in business and legal publications, instead concentrating our media buy in two new areas: a print media buy in the local business daily newspaper, and a television ad campaign. To say we were taken aback by the second recommendation is an understatement.
Getting Wired: Niche Alternatives for Distributing Your Firm's News
April 01, 2004
These are questions many industries have been asking themselves about the larger wires, and the legal world is starting to as well. The large wire services definitely have their place in the world of media relations. But, let's face it, you're not Microsoft. And, the legal news business can be a small world. There are only so many legal trades. In the wider media universe, most reporters and editors do not go to the big wires looking for story ideas or sources. In general, those releases issued on the big wires spin a corporate message, and are too processed to be of assistance to a reporter covering a particular legal issue. So, if the larger wires won't get you the media attention you want, what will?
Depreciating Assets Online
April 01, 2004
The Internet may be destroying your most valuable asset ' whether you know it or not. Day in, day out, your reputation and brand image may be deteriorating, simply by being part of the Net's price-cutting bazaar. This depreciation occurs when online resellers aggressively promote discounts on branded products ' without the brand owner's consent or awareness. It's a problem for your company because brand image may have no meaning in a world dominated by advertisements touting the lowest prices or discount merchandise.
Best Practices for e-Mail Filtering
April 01, 2004
Particularly during the last 2 years, the onerous task of filtering e-mail messages has grown to become a business and operational necessity ' largely because of the influx of spam, as well as regulations and legislation mandating retention of e-communications such as e-mail and, increasingly, instant messages. Coupled with the traditional reasons for filtering ' malicious code attached to or embedded within the message, and inappropriate or sensitive message content ' filtering technologies and the market are experiencing radical change. This shift makes purchasing and implementation decisions difficult, but e-commerce enterprises, especially new and fledgling ones, must be on guard against attack, whether inadvertent or deliberate, and they must meet regulatory requirements.
Cameo Clips
April 01, 2004
Recent cases in entertainment law.
Changes in International Civil Justice Law: The Gathering Storm
March 31, 2004
Europe's approach to civil liability law and litigation is changing. As part of the European Union's (EU) move toward a common economic culture, virtually every aspect of EU civil justice law and procedure is under review. Thus far, the laws governing product safety and commercial dealings between businesses and consumers have begun tilting toward greater liability for businesses. Whether it is strict product liability, class actions, lawyer advertising, or variations on the contingent fee, many of these changes have been seen in the United States and are starting to migrate across the Atlantic.