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We found 2,095 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

The Times, They Are A-Changin'
April 02, 2015
As more and more commercial clients move their legal teams in-house, competition among law firms continues to grow. With the legal industry still feeling negative impacts from the financial crisis, a considerable number of law firms have been pooling expertise and gaining market share through mergers and acquisitions.
When the Lawyer Is a Client
April 02, 2015
Given the demands our profession makes on our time, our attention, our energy and the stress that places on our personal relationships, the divorce rate among lawyers likely rivals that of any other profession. Can you handle your own divorce?
Movers & Shakers
March 30, 2015
A Collection of Moves in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Areas
<b><i>Online Extra:</b></i> Law Firms to Form Cybersecurity Alliance
March 30, 2015
As pressure to strengthen defenses against security breaches increases, at least five Am Law 100 and Magic Circle firms are working to form an alliance that would allow them to ultimately share information with each other about cyber threats and vulnerability.
A Tale of Two LLPS Sets a New Precedent
February 28, 2015
A look at the bankruptcy court's most recent ruling in the Dewey &amp; LeBoeuf bankruptcy. The ruling establishes a bold, new, and much-needed precedent as to the interaction between state laws of business organization, and important provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.
Building a Star-Studded, Long-Tenured Marketing Team
February 28, 2015
As we all know, setting and achieving goals in a professional services environment can be challenging due to the differences in marketing certain practice groups and in how one practice group may perceive success compared with another. Here's how to make it work.
Pricing It Right: Restructuring Billing
February 28, 2015
As pressure on pricing continues, Big Law firms are buying (or building) analytics technology and hiring pricing specialists ' people who use market data, internal firm data and economics/pricing experience to ensure that firms are smart about bidding on work.
<i>At the Intersection</i>: What Do GCs Want From Outside Firms?
February 28, 2015
What do legal departments want from their law firms? The General Counsel of 35 global corporations. give their candid and outspoken responses.
Addressing Value Challenges With Collaborative Workspaces
February 28, 2015
Today's law firms face unprecedented challenges in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving marketplace. Corporate clients, under intense pressure to cut costs and increase efficiency within their own organizations, are no longer willing to simply pay an hourly rate for services rendered in good faith. They are unapologetic in demanding increased accountability and demonstrable value from the legal teams who represent them.
How to Change Law Firms at 60
February 28, 2015
Last year the readerI turned 60, and left the fine law firm that had been his home for 33 years, joining another fine firm in July. Here's how he did it.