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Co-ops and Condominiums
December 01, 2023
Summary Judgment Denied In Trespass and Nuisance Claim Against Upstairs Neighbor
Happy Anniversary ChatGPT! Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence in Your Law Firm Practice One Year into this Disruptive Technology Phenomenon
November 01, 2023
While the societal impact of technology is not a new concept, GenAI stands out due to its accessibility to the public and its profound influence on knowledge-based industries like law. In addition to boosting efficiency and productivity, GenAI's new technological capabilities hold the promise of empowering lawyers to offer more precise and insightful guidance to their clients.
Testimonial Evidence Technology Is Transforming the Litigation Landscape
November 01, 2023
Managing and presenting testimony are changing a lot these days thanks to new technology. Some of the innovations lawyers are using to handle depositions, witness statements, exhibits and other evidence more efficiently and persuasively will alter the way matters are handled for the foreseeable future.
AI and Law Practice: A Roadmap for Success In Modern Legal Firms, Part 2
November 01, 2023
Part Two of a Two-Part Article A report on the September panel discussion sponsored by the Miami Dade Bar Association Law and Technology Committee, on AI and how to effectively use it in law firms.
Sports Memorabilia NFTs Bring Web of Rights to Negotiate for Athletes, Agents
November 01, 2023
An inside look at the jungle of rights, including insights from a top racetrack executive, on the use of NFTs. We also lay out some practical tips for athletes, agents, and attorneys on how to navigate the digital sports memorabilia landscape, including in contract negotiations and disputes.
It's Hoteling, Not Moteling
November 01, 2023
Hoteling has a negative connotation in the legal industry as little has been done to make the experience reliable and something to look forward to. The fact is, hoteling has worked very well in other industries for many years, and lessons learned here can help law firms.
Protecting Artificial Intelligence Inventions: Takeaways from 'IBM v. Zillow' from a Patent Drafting Perspective
November 01, 2023
Part Two of a Two-Part Article In Part One, we discussed the IBM v. Zillow case, where IBM sued Zillow for infringing on seven IBM's patents directed to artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for estimating property value. The focus was on the difficulties in establishing patent infringement on specific AI algorithms, as well as the strategic advantages of including additional patent claims that target ancillary features of an AI system. In this segment, we will analyze the claims made in the IBM v. Zillow case and present some tips for drafting AI-related claims from the perspective of patent infringement.
Breaking Boundaries: Unleashing the Power of Flexibility In Law Firms for Recruitment, Retention, Diversity and Client Expansion
November 01, 2023
Embracing flexibility can provide law firms with a range of competitive advantages, from attracting and retaining top talent to fostering diversity and expanding their client bases. This article delves into the numerous benefits of flexible law practices and explore how those practices could contribute to the growth and success of modern law firms.
When Does Zero Equal More? The Add-In Budget
November 01, 2023
This article is about putting more money into the distributable income line on your monthly financial report; how to rethink and profit from your annual budget-planning cycle, which should be underway now and not postponed for January after the "year-end" collection silly season.