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We found 1,059 results for "Employment Law Strategist"...

In a VUCA Environment, Empower Your CMO to Collaborate and Lead
May 01, 2019
VUCA is an acronym we don't often hear in the legal industry. It stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, and was coined by the U.S. Army to describe the post-Cold War world. Buyers of legal services are more sophisticated than ever and are redefining the meaning of value, some are involving procurement professionals in the buying process.
Best Ways to Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyers' and Firms' Perspectives
May 01, 2019
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</b></i><p> For a variety of reasons, many law firms and lawyers struggle to effectively cross-sell or cross-service. This article defines the specific and best actions lawyers and law firms can take to expand client relationships.
Preference Attacks To Recover Prepetition Compensation Paid to Consultants of Troubled Companies
April 01, 2019
Employees of a troubled company who stay on as consultants to assist in liquidating its assets or preparing the company for a bankruptcy filing may later be disappointed to face claims to claw back their prepetition compensation.
Best Ways to Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyers' and Firms' Perspectives
April 01, 2019
Part One of a Two-Part Article This article defines the specific and best actions lawyers and law firms can take to expand client relationships. This first part includes specific actions individual lawyers can take to expand client relationships.
Quasi-Bankruptcy Quagmires
April 01, 2019
<i><b>When Entities May Not Have a Filing Choice and How Creditors Are Impacted</i></b><p>This article explores the difficulties some entities have encountered in filing bankruptcies and how one organization used extraordinary civil remedies in an attempt to accomplish what reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code would have provided.
Debtor v. UST: The Battleground Over Retention of a Chief Restructuring Officer
November 01, 2018
The battle over retaining a chief restructuring officer, which the United States Trustee has traditionally not objected to, is heating up.
Alleging the Existence of a Trade Secret in a Misappropriation Case
November 01, 2018
<b><i>The Detail Dilemma</b></i><p>How much detail does it take to allege a trade secret under federal pleadings standards? Can the alleged trade secret be described generally in the complaint or must it be described in detail? This article analyzes the various considerations that inform a court's viewpoint on the issue. Lawyers who litigate trade secret cases should be well-aware of these considerations.
Marketing Tech: How CMOs Can Use Retargeting to Attract New Business
October 01, 2018
Retargeting combines two of the most important aspects of digital marketing: automation and personalization. Marketers use retargeting to stay in front of the consumer across devices and to ultimately try to reach them at the right time — the moment of purchase intent.
Due Diligence in Distressed Community Hospitals
August 01, 2018
Many community hospitals are in distress. The causes are varied but have a constant theme — the cost to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
Will Law Firms Be Ready When the Next Recession Hits?
July 01, 2018
<b><i>The Bottom Is Eventually Going to Drop on the U.S. Economy, and Many Law Firms Won't Be Positioned to Handle the Fallout</b></i><p>No economic expansion lasts forever. That's a hard-and-fast truth of macroeconomics, one that's on the minds of certain law firm leaders.