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Third Circuit Orders Unwinding of Transaction Involving Transfers Which Passed Through Multiple Related Parties
October 01, 2024
Although not always straightforward or consistent, federal and state laws regarding the recovery of fraudulent conveyances are well developed. However, when the transaction flows through several transferees, the analysis can quickly become complicated. In a recent decision, Third Circuit employed such an analysis and ordered the unwinding of a transaction involving transfers which passed through multiple related parties.
Navigating the Legal AI Landscape In 2025
October 01, 2024
This article explores key insights from the past year, focusing on technological breakthroughs, market growth, regulatory developments, and adoption trends positioning generative AI for broader integration across the legal sector.
Landscape for Legislative Protections Against AI Voice Scams
October 01, 2024
Tools have been developed to perform vocal cloning, leading to vocal deepfakes becoming a common source of scams and misinformation. And these issues have only been exacerbated by a lack of appropriate laws and regulations to rein in the use of AI and protect an individual's right to their voice.
LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3
October 01, 2024
The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.
Yachts, Jets, Horses & Hooch: Specialized Commercial Leasing Models
September 01, 2024
Defining commercial real estate asset class is essentially a property explaining how it identifies — not necessarily what its original intention was or what others think it ought to be. This article discusses, from a general issue-spot and contextual analysis perspective, how lawyers ought to think about specialized leasing formats and the regulatory backdrops that may inform what the documentation needs to contain for compliance purposes.
Hyperlinked Documents: The Latest e-Discovery Challenge
September 01, 2024
As courts and discovery experts debate whether hyperlinked content should be treated the same as traditional attachments, legal practitioners are grappling with the technical and legal complexities of collecting, analyzing and reviewing these documents in real-world cases.
Identifying Your Practice's Differentiator
September 01, 2024
How to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions Just as no two individuals have the exact same face, no two lawyers practice in their respective fields or serve clients in the exact same way. Think of this as a "Unique Value Proposition." Internal consideration about what you uniquely bring to your clients, colleagues, firm and industry can provide untold benefits for your law practice.
Risks and Ad Fraud Protection In Digital Advertising
September 01, 2024
The ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, coupled with the industry-wide adoption of programmatic advertising, poses a significant threat to the effectiveness and integrity of digital advertising campaigns. This article explores various risks to digital advertising from pixel stuffing and ad stacking to domain spoofing and bots. It will also explore what should be done to ensure ad fraud protection and improve effectiveness.
Turning Business Development Plans Into Reality
September 01, 2024
This article offers practical insights and best practices to navigate the path from roadmap to rainmaking, ensuring your business development efforts are not just sporadic bursts of activity, but an integrated part of your daily success.
Be Careful What You Stip For: 'Liggett v. Lewitt Realty LLC'
September 01, 2024
The ruling from New York's highest state court, although straightforward on its face, has important implications for both long-existing settlement agreements and when considering drafting future agreements settling disputes in the context of the Rent Stabilization Law.