Financing and Leasing Technology Is a Strategic Advantage
May 01, 2017
Advances in technology and software are being made at an increasingly rapid pace. As a result, IT hardware obsolescence cycles are shrinking too. This period of exponential improvement with which we are all now familiar has shown time and again that there will continue to be breakthroughs in technology that deliver better, less expensive, and/or more robust products. How are you equipping your firm to succeed both in the present day and into the future?
Survey Reflects Growth in How Corporations Manage and Protect Information
April 02, 2017
Many organizations are changing their approach to leveraging cybersecurity intelligence through enhanced cooperation, detailed information sharing, and broad-based collaboration. To characterize those shifts and offer perspectives that empower effective benchmarking, for the third consecutive year, Nuix engaged my firm to interview corporate security officials. The report reflects the perspectives of 29 cybersecurity executives across a range of industries.
Deferred Compensation and Safe Harbor Plans
April 02, 2017
The Department of the Treasury has issued final regulations addressing deferred compensation and safe harbor planning utilizing §§ 409A(d)(1), 457(e)11 and 31.3121(v)(2). These regulations set forth how plan sponsors can provide death benefits on a permissibly selective basis.
Make-Whole Mayhem
April 02, 2017
<b><i>Uncertain Treatment of Make-Whole Premiums Upon Bankruptcy-Induced Acceleration and Redemption of Indentures</b></i><p>Make-whole premiums are essentially prepayment penalties imposed on borrowers when loans are paid off in advance of their maturity dates. These premiums remove the borrowers' incentives to refinance whenever interest rates drop, and provide stability and predictability to the world of secured lending.
Structuring and Managing Practice Groups
April 02, 2017
There is no question that today's sophisticated clientele is placing more emphasis on the full service concept. Multi-disciplinary practices are a good example of how clients want all or most of their outside services handled by the same organization. The Walmart one-stop shopping idea has become part of the legal profession. Thus, the firm needs to determine how it can best deliver its legal services with this full service concept in mind.
Is Your Firm's Partner Comp Spread Too Narrow?
April 02, 2017
It is fast becoming an imperative for elite firms to widen the range of their partner compensation. Too narrow a range allows competitors with wider ranges to lure away the most commercially successful partners.
Proposed Partnership Regulations Create Estate and Charitable Tax Planning Opportunity
April 01, 2017
The New Year and the New Administration has areas of taxation estate planning and philanthropy on the front burner. No one is sure what will be happening with the minority discounts regulations in turmoil and proposed guidance of the modification of charities partnership interest and unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). By integrating a number of tried and tested tools, we may create a platform for substantial savings.