<b><i>Commentary:</b></i> Bloggers' Big News Needs Scaling Down
March 27, 2007
As they come, this judicial first wasn't exactly front-page news ' that is, if you are still in the habit of reading a quaint, old-fashioned newspaper. But in cyberspace, the decision of the U.S. District Court to include bloggers as bona fide members of the press pool during the recent 'Scooter' Libby trial was big news. For the first time ever in a federal court case, bloggers were officially welcomed as equals with newspaper and broadcast reporters, albeit in a little room down the hall from the actual trial in Courtroom 16.
<i>Technology in Marketing</i>: What Law Firms Can Learn from How the Swiss Sell Cheese
March 27, 2007
Law firms don't sell cheese or perfume ' they sell expertise. So how does one provide prospective clients with a 'taste' or 'spray' of something so intangible? The same question could be asked concerning existing clients. Given the marketing axiom that it is more cost-effective to generate additional business from existing clients than to sign up new accounts, how does a firm cross-sell other areas of expertise to existing clients whose exposure to the firm has been limited thus far to a single practice area?
Viacom v. YouTube
March 27, 2007
This suit is potentially dealing with a very important issue that goes way beyond YouTube's actions or inactions ' the scope of the DMCA in today's Internet. The technology being utilized by YouTube was not even imagined a decade ago when the DMCA was enacted. <br>However, it is open for speculation that this suit, coming such a short time following a negotiations break-down between the parties on entering into a licensing arrangement, is just a negotiation strategy, gambit or ploy by Viacom for a more favorable deal.
An Overview of the New FTC Rule
February 27, 2007
On Jan. 22, 2007, after more than a decade of study, the FTC released its long-anticipated new Federal Trade Commission Rule on Franchising. This article outlines the key elements of the New Rule. The New Rule changes the coverage of the existing FTC Rule.
Getting Published: The Foundation for Business Development
February 27, 2007
Business development in the legal community is a science, but it requires the creativity of an artist. That artistry can be demonstrated most powerfully through the written word, a tool of great lawyers for centuries. Encapsulating an interesting case or complex transaction into 500 or 1000 words for the benefit of colleagues and the business community at large is the single best way to demonstrate expertise on a macro scale. It is at the very core of client generation.
Cameo Clips
February 27, 2007
Recent rulings of interest.
Med Mal Litigation
January 31, 2007
Risk-managing one's medical practice involves gauging the quality of the legal advocacy put forth to advance a physician's professional interests. In medical malpractice litigation, as we all know, victory is fleeting but setbacks are long-lasting. Therefore, as an attorney, expect to be evaluated with an eagle eye ' and respond to your client's fears with professionalism and reassurance.
Getting Published: The Foundation For Business Development
January 31, 2007
Business development in the legal community is a science, but it requires the creativity of an artist. That artistry can be demonstrated most powerfully through the written word, a tool of great lawyers for centuries. Encapsulating an interesting case or complex transaction into 500 or 1000 words for the benefit of colleagues and the business community at large is the single best way to demonstrate expertise on a macro scale. It is at the very core of client generation.
Pitching Green: The Benefits of Green Technology and Sustainable Building
January 31, 2007
Every successful entrepreneur understands that you must know your audience before making a business pitch. This same cardinal business rule applies to commercial office developments and renovations; a developer or owner interested in pursuing a green building project needs to be prepared to justify the green rationale to different audiences having a stake in the project. Investors and lenders will want to know how the green components impact development and operational costs. Prospective tenants will have an entirely different focus — they will want to know how the green features will enhance the company's image or impact employees' use of the space.