In the Marketplace
October 01, 2003
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
Rough Justice or Fair Cop? The Reality of Anti-dilution Provisions
October 01, 2003
We need protection against dilution if you engage in future down rounds," said venture capitalists 3 years ago, not really believing that they would need to call upon this protection. However, the unexpected and significant decline in valuations for companies over recent years has focused the attention of VCs and VC-backed companies on anti-dilution provisions. In today's investment climate, VCs are not only more selective with their potential investments, but are also demanding more favorable financial and control provisions in term sheets. In particular, protection against downside risk is of much more significant importance.
PR's Return On Investment
October 01, 2003
What can we make of the fact that the top 25 firms ranked by revenue in the AmLaw 200 have increased their overall presence in the media by around 18%, while firms ranked in the next two quarters (numbers 26 through 75) increased by barely 1%? Below the third quarter, the differences are even starker. Overall, the firms that were ranked 76 to 200 actually engendered fewer media appearances - by upwards of 5% in some instances - in 2002 than in 2001. <br>The easy response is that the larger the firm, the more lawyers and practice groups there are for reporters to call on as sources and commentators; coast-to-coast and abroad. The law of nature is that the rich get richer. It applies to media profile as well.
The Lawyer's Guide to Public Relations
October 01, 2003
There is definitely an art to becoming the object of the press's affection. If you are lucky enough to have an in-house public relations department, your "luck runneth over." However, for most lawyers whose wish list includes "personal appearances" either via print media or electronic media, it can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience. There is hope, and it comes in the form of having a personal public relations/professional development plan. While most business development efforts focus on marketing, public relations can be a key component to one's overall success. Public relations is different than marketing in the sense that it requires a more personal approach to one's professional development plan. It requires an individual to hone a separate set of skills that enables one to speak, be quoted and appear as a spokesperson in a specific area of expertise.
Ask the Coach
October 01, 2003
This month's question: <br>Many of the lawyers in my firm still resist doing any selling because they see it as "unseemly" for lawyers. How can I help them overcome this crippling bias?
A Web/Audio Conference Event
October 01, 2003
RESPECT: Earn It, Keep It, Advance Your Career<br>Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003<br>12:00 p.m. ' 1:30 p.m. EST
Improving Law Firm Profitability
October 01, 2003
<b><i>Without Working Longer Hours or Raising Rates</b></i><p>In today's competitive environment, the profitability challenge to law firms is to increase profits while reducing clients' legal fees. This two-part article provides dozens of specific, workable ideas for enhancing profitability, leaving aside the played-out (and problematic) methods of working longer hours and raising hourly rates. This month's article offers ideas in the following categories, which together offer the greatest opportunities for profitability enhancement.
Unreasonable Compensation in a Professional Corporation
October 01, 2003
Until 2001, the general view was that IRS determinations of "unreasonable compensation" were not a concern for shareholder employees of professional corporations. That equanimity was shattered - at least for those paying attention - by the 2001 Tax Court decision in <i>Pediatric Surgical Associates P.C. v. Commissioner</i> (T.C. Memorandum 2001-81). In that case, the tax court determined that compensation paid to the shareholder physicians in a Texas surgical practice was unreasonably high because it exceeded the value of the services performed by the firm's shareholder physicians. This seminal tax court opinion turned on the issue of profits generated by the non-shareholder surgeons. Analogous compensation scenarios are common in law firms PCs, so they could face similar IRS determinations, with similarly costly results. Lawyers who are PC shareholders should pay close attention to this case.