The Right to Associate in the Defense
January 31, 2015
The "right to associate" permits the insurer to work with the insured to investigate, defend, or settle a claim. Such partnerships protect the insurer and can prove beneficial to the insured's underlying case and ultimate exposure.
The Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014
January 31, 2015
On Dec. 19, 2014, the President signed into law the long-awaited year-end tax package, the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 (TIPA). This law extended to the end of 2014 many but not all of the individual, business, and energy provisions that expired at the end of 2013. .
<b><i>At the Intersection:</i></b> Taking the Plunge
January 31, 2015
So you're thinking about diving into the election for Managing Partner? Before you throw your hat into the firm's MP selection process, now is the time to pause and reflect on your motivations and incentives for what is bound to be a significant shift in role, responsibility, stature, and quality of life for at least a few years.
Franchising in Russia
January 31, 2015
While international franchising always brings a host of issues and complications, importation of franchise concepts into Russia highlights some critical issues and some lessons for international franchising in a broader context.
Laying a Foundation for Integrated e-Discovery Systems
January 31, 2015
Typically, the production of data in litigation involves a series of disconnected actions involving several corporate or cloud-based systems. These disassociated e-discovery activities ' identify, preserve, collect, and track (IPCT) ' are then feed into a downstream set of processing, review, and production (PRP) steps often hosted outside the corporate firewall. Fortunately, technology advances are helping counsel and client alike to integrate systems and streamline processes both inside and across the firewall.
Movers & Shakers
January 30, 2015
A Collection of Moves in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Areas
How to Approach a Law Firm Merger/Acquisition
December 31, 2014
Many law firms ' of all sizes and types ' believe that their future organizational and financial security is linked to growth and/or diversification. They are seeking the lateral addition of experienced lawyers through the acquisition and merger of practices. These firms are seeking to anticipate trends of their clients and in legal practice.
Rainmaker or Hostage Taker?
December 31, 2014
Despite a surge in articles, blogs and white papers that focus on top trends in law firm business development and management, few have explored critical changes taking place within law firm management, particularly as they relate to the concept of the rainmaker.
Law Firm CMOs
December 31, 2014
Where does a CMO/CBDO belong on the law firm organizational chart? The author explains his point of view.