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We found 6,242 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

On The Job: Furthering Your Career Starts with Your Resume
April 01, 2003
Finding the next step in your career path can be the hardest job you ever tackle. If you are not currently working in a firm with a large marketing function and staff, the chances are you can only advance by leaving.
How To Get Published: Giving Editors What They Need Is Key To Success
April 01, 2003
When a lawyer writes an article, he or she has to interact with the editor of the publication in which it is going to be printed. The better the relationship between the editor and the author, the more likely the process is going to flow smoothly for both. The relationship can be improved when you - or attorneys in your firm - understand what editors provide, recognize that editors are paid professionals with a lot to do every day, and treat them with respect from the initial discussion through publication of the article.
Ask The Coach
April 01, 2003
This month's question:<BR>Q: I struggle to find time to market and sell. With billables, committee assignments, supervisory duties, etc., it seems like the week is over and I'm asking, "why didn't I get out in the game this week?" How can I make time to sell?
Warning: Research Dollars At Risk!
April 01, 2003
Before the clinical trials are run, before the Food and Drug Administration approves, before hope is held out to millions of patients, new drugs start with scientists asking elemental questions about human life. Now, the pipeline that leads from their laboratories through drug development to the FDA may be shut off at the source.
Microsoft SharePoint for the Legal Industry?
April 01, 2003
I am sure that everyone knows the name Microsoft. I am guessing that many of you, however, are not familiar with Microsoft's portal product "SharePoint." SharePoint presents an interesting opportunity for two reasons. First, it is a Microsoft product and chances are that your IT infrastructure and policies embrace Microsoft technology. Second, SharePoint is a relatively inexpensive portal solution. Okay, I know what you are thinking, another article about legal portals and how they will reduce your costs to nothing and increase your revenue by 2000%. I hope to provide something different here. The purpose of this article is to share my experiences working with SharePoint and provide some insight in how it can be used strategically in your law firm or law department.
Planning A Web Site With Some Punch
April 01, 2003
Law firm Web sites have largely converged toward a "standard model" that presents a few implicitly agreed-upon subjects. Consider the analogy to newspapers: Consensus has been achieved that the logical way to organize them is national news, opinion, local news, business, sports, lifestyle, etc. Within this consensus, tremendous variety in paper stock, layout, color, writing style and so forth can all thrive, but the "bone structure" is agreed upon.
Internet Firms Back New Anti-Spam Bill in Senate
April 01, 2003
Internet companies welcomed a new Senate bill aimed at protecting consumers from the miasma of spam, or unwanted junk e-mail.
Avoiding Extinction in A Turbulent Legal Market: The Other Side of Consolidation
April 01, 2003
The early days of 2003 have brought a stark reminder to the leaders of law firms. While strong law firms have experienced an exceptional level of prosperity and growth in a consolidating market, continued expansion and ever increasing profitability are not the only potential destinies for law firms today. As the high profile closures of long established firms such as Brobeck; Peterson &amp; Ross; Hill &amp; Barlow and others demonstrate anew, firms can fail. And with failure come career interruption, client uncertainty and financial distress for many.
Professional Development Comes of Age
April 01, 2003
As law firms grow in size and complexity, they are increasingly realizing that professional development of their lawyers can no longer be left to the haphazard of on-the-job experience. Competing effectively today requires strategic thinking about cultivation of the law firm's primary business asset: its lawyers.
The Latest Threat To E-Commerce : The PanIP Patent Litigation
April 01, 2003
As if the recent attacks on the tax-exempt status of Internet transactions were not enough for e-commerce vendors to worry about, a new problem has come to light for companies that sell goods or services via an Internet Web site. PanIP, LLC (PanIP), a company based in San Diego, has initiated lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California against over 50 companies transacting business over their Internet Web sites, alleging that such activity constitutes infringement of two patents owned by PanIP.1 The patents asserted by PanIP are generally directed to "data processing systems designed to facilitate commercial, financial and educational transactions between multimedia terminals"2 and to "a system for filing applications with an institution from a plurality of remote sites, and for automatically processing said applications in response to each applicant's credit rating obtained from a credit reporting service."3


  • Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult Coin
    With each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.
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  • The Article 8 Opt In
    The Article 8 opt-in election adds an additional layer of complexity to the already labyrinthine rules governing perfection of security interests under the UCC. A lender that is unaware of the nuances created by the opt in (may find its security interest vulnerable to being primed by another party that has taken steps to perfect in a superior manner under the circumstances.
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