Post-Petition Interest in a Solvent Case
November 01, 2016
<b><i>What Interest Rate Controls?</b></i><p><p>In today's low-interest rate environment, the difference between a contractual interest rate and the federal judgment rate can be quite significant. It is not surprising, therefore, that this issue has become hotly litigated in cases involving solvent Chapter 11 debtors.
Workplace Violence
November 01, 2016
<b><i>Minimizing Risk and Protecting Employees</b></i><p>According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 2 million employees are victims of workplace violence each year. Violence in the workplace must be a top concern for employers, as no organization is immune from workplace violence and no organization can completely prevent it.
The New Anti-Bribery Compliance Standard
November 01, 2016
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced a new standard for anti-bribery compliance, known as “ISO 37001,” in September. This represents a significant step toward the continued development and standardization of international anti-bribery compliance. By the end of the year, companies can obtain an independent certification from a third-party auditor, attesting to the fact that their internal compliance programs conform to ISO 37001 requirements. So is it worth your time? It depends.
Lower Pay for Women Partners
November 01, 2016
In the face of a glaring pay gap between male and female law firm partners, some firm leaders point to the emphasis on origination credit (bringing in new business) as the key culprit. But moving away from such a model may not be so easy.
In Confronting White House, Texas AG Builds His Brand
October 18, 2016
For Paxton, persistent challenges to Obama administration policies do more than advance legal principle and pack a conservative punch to the Democratic White House: They also help spur campaign contributions.
14 Obama Lawyers Whose Inboxes Could Swell With Job Offers
October 16, 2016
White-collar enforcement. Cybersecurity. Privacy and technology. Antitrust. Health care. Congressional investigations. The Obama administration lawyers identified below are on the front lines in key areas and are sure to command attention in Big Law and corporate offices.
Privacy and Security of Personal Information Collected by Benefit Plans
October 14, 2016
High profile cyberattacks and data breaches have become routine occurrences. Cyber threats are so pervasive that many privacy and security experts advise that responsible parties ' like fiduciaries of employee benefit plans ' should prepare for <i>when</i> a data breach occurs, not </i>if</i>. Plan sponsors and fiduciaries should be aware of, and address, security and privacy issues in connection with personal information.
Outsourcing Is No Longer a Four Letter Word
October 14, 2016
With 70% of law firms outsourcing a portion of their back office and 45% considering outsourcing some middle office functions, it is clear that outsourcing is on the rise in law firms. This is because, when executed correctly, it can be an excellent management tool to increase service levels, broaden talent and manage costs.