Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2017
March 02, 2017
Compiled through industry research, industry participants' expertise and ELFA member input, the trends are designed to help businesses and other organizations as they execute their equipment acquisition strategies during the coming year.
Long-Term Leases In PA
March 02, 2017
In a case decided on Oct. 17, 2016, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania rejected a long-standing position taken by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue dealing with when renewal periods must be added to the initial term of a lease for realty transfer tax purposes.
Expanding the Scope of Good Guy Guarantees
March 01, 2017
Good Guy Guarantees are designed to ensure that defaulting commercial tenants leave the premises promptly, avoiding loss of rental income to landlords. However, in <i>Bri Jen Realty Corp. v. Altman</i>, the Second Department construed a Good Guy Guarantee to hold a guarantor liable for rent for 11 months after tenant surrendered the premises.
Work Letter 'What Ifs': Practical Solutions to Possible Problems
March 01, 2017
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</b></i><br>The work letter agreement of the lease sets forth the rights and obligations of the landlord and the tenant relating to the construction of improvements at the leased premises. To help anticipate problems and mitigate associated risks, this two-part article summarizes six "what if" scenarios that should be considered by landlords and tenants when negotiating Work Letters.
David vs. Goliath
February 01, 2017
<b><i>How to Handle the Right of First Refusal of a Single Parcel in a Multiple-Parcel Package Deal</b></i><p>It is best for all parties to avoid litigation by clearly addressing the possibility of a transfer of more than just the property that is the subject of the right when that property is part of a larger parcel, or could be part of a package deal.
Navigating the Bankruptcy Court's Power to Modify a Secured Creditor's Lien
February 01, 2017
This article focuses on the impact of the Bankruptcy Code's section 552, which addresses the effect of a bankruptcy filing on property acquired by the debtor after the filing of the bankruptcy case (referred to as "after-acquired property") and proceeds of pre-bankruptcy collateral.
The 'Death Spiral' of Malls
February 01, 2017
It's impossible not to notice the vacancies when walking into a shopping mall in the United States. To stem the tide, certain mall owners in high-profile bankruptcy cases have addressed the retail bankruptcy trend in a unique and (virtually) unprecedented way.