This Very Curious Real Estate Cycle
May 01, 2016
Every commercial real estate cycle is basically the same ' including that point, somewhere in the mid to end of the cycle, at which people become convinced that this one will be different for some specific reason. And here we are at that point again.
Business Crimes Hotline
April 01, 2016
In-depth discussion of two major cases, one out of Colorado, the other from New York.
How To Run Your Law Firm More Like a Business
April 01, 2016
If your firm is like most law firms, your top goals include growing revenue, and in turn, increasing profitability. You've implemented practice management software, and probably even a customer relationship management (CRM) system to help you achieve those objectives.
What Non-Delaware Lawyers Need to Know About e-Discovery in Delaware
April 01, 2016
Many non-Delaware lawyers will, at some point in their careers, find themselves practicing in a Delaware court after being admitted pro hac vice. For those that do, it is important to note that the Delaware courts take e-discovery seriously and have a sophisticated understanding of it. This article serves as a primer on conducting e-discovery in the Delaware courts.
Leasing Can Make Your Information Security Processes Bullet Proof
April 01, 2016
Security issues are cited repeatedly as the number one concern for law firms and most recently topped all other current trends. This year, firms are estimated to spend more than $6.9 million or 1.92% of their gross annual revenues on information security.
Equity Crowdfunding
April 01, 2016
There has been a great deal of media attention the past several years about the JOBS Act. It has various components that do various things. The aspect of the JOBS Act that has the potential to touch the largest number of Americans is Title III (Crowdfunding).
When a Law Firm Partner Divorces
April 01, 2016
Going through a divorce can be tumultuous for everyone involved. When one of the parties is a partner in a law firm, those challenges are sometimes elevated for both the partner and the law firm.
Entity Selection for Attorneys
February 29, 2016
One of the most significant early decisions attorneys make when deciding to hang out a shingle is what type of entity would be best for their practice. Choosing the right entity is a must. The right legal structure can save taxes, minimize legal exposure and avert costly business hassles. But is the right choice for yesterday still the right one for today?
Data Breach Claims
February 29, 2016
"There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be." ' Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller