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We found 1,059 results for "Employment Law Strategist"...

Second Circuit Rejects Arbitration of Debtor's Asserted Discharge Violation
June 01, 2018
A bankruptcy court properly denied a bank's motion to compel arbitration of a debtor's asserted violation of the court's discharge injunction, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held.
Breakthrough Thinking: How to Discover and Drive Motivation in Business Development and Lead Attorneys to Greater Prosperity
May 01, 2018
Despite all the strategic planning CMOs may devote to individual attorney coaching and training, it is often not enough to support the lawyer client in connecting the dots of relationship building, reputation enhancing and contact management over the course of a career to make a remarkable difference.
'Marketing Tech:' Harnessing the Hot Trend In Voice Search to Generate New Business
May 01, 2018
Voice search is the hot new trend in technology and CMOs can harness it to generate more calls online and leads from their websites.
Takeaways from the Swift End to <i>Waymo v. Uber</i>
March 01, 2018
The details might not be quite as dramatic as they were in <i>Waymo v. Uber</i>, but lawyers expect trade secrets to continue to be a fertile source for litigation.
Bankruptcy Court Authorizes Rejection of Employment Separation Agreements
February 01, 2018
The Bankruptcy Code can be an effective tool for reducing liabilities and enhancing asset value for the benefit of creditors. One of the more important…
The Profound Effect of TC Heartland on Patent Litigation
January 01, 2018
This article examines the impact of <i>TC Heartland</i> with a focus on recent Federal Circuit decisions applying <i>TC Heartland</i> and further clarifying the scope of where patent cases may be filed.
Looking Back and Looking Forward: Labor and Employment Trends for 2018
January 01, 2018
President Trump had an eventful first year in the labor and employment arena. With his first year in office now wrapping up, this is a perfect time to look back at how the Trump Administration's policies have shaped labor and employment law issues at both the federal and state level, and where we expect to go in 2018.
Third Circuit's Paid Breaks Ruling a Bright Line, But Not an Open Door
January 01, 2018
A federal appeals court offered a clear rule earlier in 2017, in holding that employees must be paid for breaks lasting 20 minutes or less, but private suits on that issue have been few, and appear poised to remain so, practitioners say.
How to Avoid the Pitfalls of a Bad Sexual Harassment Policy
January 01, 2018
How can companies make sure they have sexual harassment policies in place to protect interests and employees? The authors talked to several attorneys about common pitfalls and the lay of the land in the corporate environment right now. Here are highlights from those conversations.
Employee Claims in Bankruptcy Pose Significant Liability Exposure
January 01, 2018
<b><i>Lessons Learned From </i>In re FPMI Solutions Inc.</b><p>There are litanies of potential pitfalls for companies that file for bankruptcy without strictly following the requirements of federal or state employment laws. This article discusses the requirements and how to meet them.