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Bankruptcy Court Says Bankruptcy Case Is 'Filed' When Uploaded, Not Stamped
September 01, 2023
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York summed up the importance of the determination as to when a bankruptcy case is actually filed of record, thereby triggering the imposition of the automatic stay and found that the "upload" time of a bankruptcy filing — and not the time physically "stamped" on a bankruptcy petition — determines when a case is commenced. In doing so, the Bankruptcy Court offered direction and guidelines that debtors and creditors will be well advised to observe in future cases.
It's a Tenant's Market: How to Negotiate and Navigate the Leasing Process
September 01, 2023
A hybrid workforce has meant that office and retail space is in plentiful supply. These high vacancy rates have caused landlord defaults to be on the rise, making it a tenant-friendly environment for leasing space and obtaining tenant-favorable lease terms. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to negotiate the best lease terms and navigate the leasing process while saving money on rent, tenant buildout and operating expenses.
DOJ Calls On Companies to Incorporate Data Analytics In Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs
September 01, 2023
This article explains the DOJ's recent emphasis on robust data analytics in anti-corruption compliance programs, outlines how data analytics can and should be used in these programs, and suggests an approach to help legal counsel and companies determine if corporate programs will pass muster with the DOJ.
The Flight to Quality and Workplace Experience
September 01, 2023
That the pace of change is "accelerating" is surely an understatement. What seemed almost a near certainty a year ago — that law firms would fully and permanently embrace work-from-home — is experiencing a seeming reversal. While many firms have, in fact, embraced hybrid operations, the meaning of hybrid has evolved from "office optional," to an average required 2 days a week, to now many firms coming out with four-day work week mandates — this time, with teeth.
Termination Notices and Copyright Act Claims Accruals
September 01, 2023
Termination is not automatic. It may be effected only through affirmative action on the part of the author or his or her statutory successors, who must serve an advance notice, signed by or on behalf of all of those entitled to terminate the grant, on the current copyright owner within specified time limits and under specified conditions.
Fourth Circuit Ruling Underscores Judicial Divide On Use of 'Texas Two-Step'
September 01, 2023
A sharply divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruling shielding a nondebtor in bankruptcy proceedings from asbestos lawsuits underscores the wider and growing divide among judges across the country on the bounds of Chapter 11 protection and corporations' use of the "Texas two-step" to address mass tort litigation.
AI and Law Practice: A Roadmap for Success In Modern Legal Firms
September 01, 2023
This article lays out a general roadmap for success in modern legal firms through the strategic incorporation of AI technologies.
Old Dog, New Tricks: Time to Retire Associate Lockstep Compensation
September 01, 2023
This article maps out a system that would enable law firm management to implement a meaningful pay-for-performance system that drives positive associate performance and enhances the firm's culture.
Notice of Pendency In Commercial Real Estate Transactions
September 01, 2023
Parties to real estate transactions may be tempted to conclude that a notice of pendency will be available in most instances to protect their rights if things go awry. But while the CPLR's description of actions in which a notice of pendency is permitted sounds both clear-cut and extremely broad, in practice it is neither of those things.
White-Collar Practitioners Weigh In On Defending Trump Indictments
September 01, 2023
They say every defendant deserves an attorney, and that surely includes a former president, but how does a lawyer defend someone facing multiple indictments in multiple districts all while they're running a campaign to return to the White House? Several white-collar defense attorneys who spoke with Business Crimes Bulletin's ALM sibling The National Law Journal have some ideas.