Crayon Shinchan
June 28, 2012
The naughty five-year-old Japanese comic-book character Crayon Shinchan would tell foreign trademark owners that although foreign trademarks ultimately receive legal protection in China, pragmatic owners must be mindful of the time and costs involved.
An Analysis of Kappos v. Hyatt
June 28, 2012
Although the Supreme Court's decision in <i>Kappos v. Hyatt</i> addressed the Patent Act specifically, the decision may have implications for cases brought in district courts to challenge decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The <i>Kappos</i> decision may also encourage defendants to continue pushing against the "clear and convincing evidence" standard for obviousness challenges based on prior art not considered by the PTO during examination.
The Great (Online Copyright) Compromise of 2012
June 27, 2012
Although neither service providers nor content providers can claim a complete victory, the Second Circuit's <i>Viacom</i> opinion represents a pragmatic, middle-of-the-road solution to several issues at the heart of the new user-centered Internet experience.
IP News
May 30, 2012
Highlights of the latest intellectual property news from around the country.
Damages Soar from False Advertising About Skydiving
May 30, 2012
In March 2012, the Ninth Circuit in <i>Skydive Arizona, Inc. v. Quattrocchi, et al.</i> upheld a $6.6 million judgment for trademark infringement, false advertising, and cybersquatting, while overturning the district court's doubling of actual damages. The opinion succinctly outlines appellate review standards while offering insights into how to prove a Lanham Act and cybersquatting case.
Representing a Celebrity Client
April 28, 2012
Famous clients' net worth, income and the details of their investments are never publicly revealed. Custody is not disclosed. It is all kept private. How?