Vendor Limitations of Liability for Security Breaches
August 02, 2015
Counsel advising companies on vendor contracts are in a tough spot. Cybersecurity risks presented by data outsourcing demand increasing attention and resources. At the same time, outsourcing of data to third-party vendors has become, in many instances, a business necessity.
Tackle Billing Now To Avoid a Year-End Surprise
August 02, 2015
Attorneys rarely think about billings and collections in the summer. Instead, those are topics often left to the year-end collections push. By waiting, however, attorneys lose money, assume risks and otherwise miss important red flags for potential problems that can be avoided or resolved.
Law Firm 3.0: Compensation, Billable Hour Limiting Firms' Success
August 02, 2015
This is the second installment of a series examining the shift in law firm business models and the issues law firms must address to remain competitive in a new age of providing legal services. The third installment will appear later this year.
Proxy Advisory Firms
August 02, 2015
For the past several years, I have been tasked with providing an update on proxy advisory firms, most notably ISS and Glass Lewis, and the evolving policy updates they issue on an annual basis.
How to Determine a Diligent Job Search
August 02, 2015
If a plaintiff in a discrimination case or a recipient spouse in a divorce action is unemployed or under-employed and seeking compensation or maintenance, that party's employability must be ascertained in order to determine a fair and just award. Frequently, this requires consultation with, or testimony by, a vocational or employability expert.
The Art of Cyberwarfare
August 02, 2015
Cybersecurity is at a crossroads. No longer resigned to the confines of server rooms overseen by information technology, decisions regarding the protection of data have been forced into the boardroom by events that include breaches at main street businesses and revelations of clandestine government hacking activities.
Good News, Bad News: Credit and Collections
August 02, 2015
The robust economy's low default rate has many creditors rethinking their collections practices and capabilities. But what should be their strategy for when the good times end?
Get a (Law) Firm Grip on Data Breaches
July 02, 2015
This article describes some of the reasons law firms are cyber-attack targets, steps they can take to reduce their risk, and what clients are doing to encourage law firms in those efforts.