Reconciliation and Settlement
July 02, 2015
It is not uncommon for a couple to reconcile. The issue is what, if any, impact the couple's reconciliation has on their settlement agreement. The answer is: It depends.
Brokerage Windows in Retirement Plans
July 02, 2015
In 2014, the DOL published a request for information (RFI) regarding the use of so-called "brokerage windows" under retirement plans, such as many "Section 401(k)" plans, that allow participants (and beneficiaries) to direct the investment of their retirement accounts. The RFI is one of the more recent developments surrounding what has become an increasingly controversial topic regarding the investment of Section 401(k) plans and other participant-direct retirement plans.
Many Traditional Malls Are on Life Support
July 02, 2015
In what some economists and many governmental officials say is a robust and growing economy, why are major chains closing 6,000 retail stores in malls and strip centers within the near future?
Ex-Dewey Partners Asked to Forgo Half of Salary; Backdate Checks
July 02, 2015
Jurors at the criminal trial of three former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives facing fraud and conspiracy charges heard vivid descriptions of some of the drama that precipitated the firm's bankruptcy filing in May 2012 from former litigation partner Ralph Ferrara, whose testimony continued late last month.
Brokerage Windows in Retirement Plans
July 02, 2015
The request for information (RFI) regarding the use of so-called "brokerage windows" is one of the more recent developments surrounding what has become an increasingly controversial topic regarding the investment of Section 401(k) plans and other participant-direct retirement plans.
Building a Vendor Management Program
July 02, 2015
For law departments, today's business environment is making it increasingly difficult to manage, control or reduce costs while being able to achieve satisfactory results. This is forcing companies to become more efficient in managing and controlling legal costs handled both internally by the organization and externally by outside counsel.
Anchoring the Firm Culture In Solid Rock
June 02, 2015
Over the years of my consulting practice, I have seen many formerly great law firms fail and go under. The reason? They lost the anchor to their core values, and then started drifting into issues and concerns that eventually destroyed them from within. Herein, I try to lay out what can be done to keep the anchor holding.
ABI Bankruptcy Reform
June 02, 2015
Tension has focused on whether to allow a secured creditor to improve its position with new property acquired after the bankruptcy case. The result was the broad mandate of Section 552 of the Bankruptcy Code: A prepetition lender with a lien on an asset enjoys a post-petition lien on the proceeds of that asset.
Small, Midsize Firms Adapt to Increased Scrutiny
June 02, 2015
Like their larger counterparts, small and midsize law firms are facing escalating scrutiny from clients over their efficiency, project management and costs. But not all small and midsize firms are reacting in the same way.