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Insurance Issues In AI-Related Risks
August 01, 2023
Most entertainment industry organizations have by now heard the warning bells of risks that come with the use of artificial intelligence technology, from data privacy and cybersecurity threats to potential copyright infringement and discrimination claims. In face of the recent spike in AI-related litigation, such risks could soon prove costly, leaving one last barrier of defense for entertainment companies that use AI: insurance.
New FTC Guidelines for Social Media Influencers
August 01, 2023
Internet celebrities with big social-media followings are often approached for advertising and marketing deals, and the money flowing from these third-party arrangements can be in the millions. But the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) moved to update the guidelines for those who profit from such arrangements, and lawyers are saying the new rules involve big but unsurprising changes.
Fresh Filings
August 01, 2023
Notable court filings in entertainment law.
Players On the Move
August 01, 2023
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
Bit Parts
August 01, 2023
Dispute Over Jay Livingston Songwriter Contracts Sent to Arbitration MeTV Viewers Aren't "Subscribers" Under Video Privacy Protection Act TV Series Production Contract Is Assignable In Bankruptcy
August 01, 2023
31st Cutting Edge Entertainment Law Seminar. New Orleans, Aug. 24-26, 2023
National Cybersecurity Strategy: Potential Impacts to Consider
August 01, 2023
What are the impacts to civil society and government if the plan works? We should consider that "collecting intelligence, imposing economic costs, enforcing the law, and, conducting disruptive actions" will work by some measure, and if so, the impacts to the cybersecurity ecosystem could be profound.
How Law Firms Can Avoid A Summer of Cyberattack Threats
August 01, 2023
Summer at law firms creates an attack surface of which hackers love to take advantage. Legal and support staff rotate through vacations and time off, new crops of interns unfamiliar with tech processes enter the fold, and the remaining employees are often burned out and too distracted to notice the critical signs of an impending cyberattack.
New York City's Guaranty Law Invalidated
August 01, 2023
New York's Guaranty Law was challenged as unconstitutionally restricting a plaintiff's contractual rights The District Court held the law to be constitutional because it advanced a significant and legitimate public purpose through reasonable and appropriate means.
One Overlooked Element of Executive Safety: Data Privacy
August 01, 2023
Executives have access to some of the company's most sensitive information, and they're increasingly being targeted by hackers looking to steal company secrets or to perpetrate cybercrimes.