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Supreme Court's 'Bad Spaniels' Decision Didn't Overturn Rogers, But …
July 01, 2023
In a win for trademark holders, the U.S. Supreme Court offered a narrow ruling in the dispute involving "dog toys and whiskey."
Converting Debt to Equity: An Alternative to Modification or Extension of Loans
July 01, 2023
Historically, lenders have been unwilling to go into business with their borrowers, preferring to observe a rigid separation between debtor and creditor. However, if an office property can be repositioned for another use, there is a path between extending the term of a loan and hoping for the best, and taking the property back and realizing a catastrophic loss.
The Message Is Clear: Assess Your Information Governance Practices In Light of DOJ and SEC Crackdown on Use of Personal Devices and Messaging Apps
July 01, 2023
Regulators increasingly are scrutinizing employee use of personal devices and third-party messaging apps. This article summarizes the DOJ's recent guidance and the SEC's enforcement trends and priorities in this area, and it provides information governance best practices companies can implement now to ensure they are meeting regulators' expectations and recordkeeping rules.
Is Non-Lawyer Ownership of Law Firms Coming Soon?
July 01, 2023
Powerful forces are now pushing regulators in the direction of non-lawyer ownership of law firms in the United States. Some of the forces are completely well-intentioned, but some of the forces are not so well-intentioned.
Understanding the Supreme Court Cases that Didn't Destroy the Internet: 'Gonzalez v. Google' and 'Twitter v. Taamneh'
July 01, 2023
The Internet is still standing, but the Supreme Court's reasoning in the Gonzalez opinion remains perplexing. Gonzalez and Taamneh are a story about how the Supreme Court "saved" the Internet from itself, and the Court needed both cases to do so.
Young Partners Need to Embrace an Ownership Mentality
July 01, 2023
Firms promote associates to partner and then expect them to "act" like a partner. Acting like a partner is an unclear declaration and can cover a wide range of expectations. One of the most important expectations for these newly minted partners is for them to have an ownership mindset. The mindset of a business owner is not something that comes naturally, nor is it in any way developed through the associate years.
The Problem With Sup. Ct. Majority Opinion In Andy Warhol Foundation
July 01, 2023
Commentary The high court's decision's future application is anything but clear and clarification of the parameters of a "transformative" fair use is left open for another day.
Should Law Firms Make Pass-Through Entity Tax Elections?
July 01, 2023
As a result of the TCJA, the owners of pass-through entities are limited in the amount of state and local taxes they can deduct on their Federal income tax return. In response, over 25 states have enacted pass-through entity tax regimes, which allow the owners of law firms to preserve their state and local tax deduction on their income from the law firm.
Antitrust Actions In Entertainment Industry Sectors
July 01, 2023
The growth in size of companies dominating sectors of the entertainment industry has been subject to antitrust challenges with mixed results. What are some notable recent developments in this area?
Do We Need A Title Theft Statute?
July 01, 2023
Recent years have seen numerous reports of what has colloquially been called "property theft" or "deed theft" in New York. The state Attorney General has championed a statute, now introduced in the state legislature, making "Property Theft" a crime. Would the statute be helpful?