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May 01, 2023
Sand Mine Enjoys Nonconforming Use Protection Contract Vendee Entitled to Use Variance Despite Knowledge of Ordinance's Provisions
Real Property Law
May 01, 2023
Strict Liability for Excavation Damage Easement Was Non-Exclusive Purchaser's Claims Barred By Merger Doctrine, Caveat Emptor Purchaser's Claim Based on Inoperative Elevator Dismissed In the Absence of Active Concealment Deed Forgery Claim Survives Motion to Dismiss
Landlord & Tenant Law
May 01, 2023
Wrongful Eviction Claim Raises Questions of Fact Yellowstone Injunction Cure Period
Mapping Your Content for Potential Clients' Planning Stage
May 01, 2023
At the "unawareness" stage of the buyer's journey, potential clients may not have (or don't know they have) a legal problem that requires a lawyer. They may not be "on the road." Yet it's important to consider prospects at this stage in your content planning, in part because clients can go from "not really looking" to "considering options" very quickly when the need for legal services arises.
Associate's Viral Slide Demonstrates How Firm Culture Can Be Set Throughout the Firm
May 01, 2023
Law firms, in order to create lines of succession, need to empower younger attorneys to take leadership roles. That is how they learn, and the associate's slide demonstrates how tone, culture and expectations can be set throughout a law firm — not just by those sitting in the executive ranks.
Assessing Your Business Development Strategies In an Uncertain Economic Climate
May 01, 2023
In an economic downturn, the easy option is to conserve and preserve cash by reducing headcount and slashing external vendors. And in the wake of recent layoffs by law firms, corporations, professional services and legal tech companies, it seems almost second nature to join your peers when the financials aren't looking so good. But is this in fact the right thing to do, especially if you want to grow?
The Evolution of Law Firm Business Development
May 01, 2023
Marketing leaders on the front lines talk about the evolution of law firm business development, and what's happening with the all-important event — in-person or online gatherings for clients and prospects.
Tips for Making Attorney Bios Difference Makers
May 01, 2023
A well-crafted bio is a critical marketing tool that can position you as an experienced professional who can solve the problems that matter to your potential clients. Attorney bio pages are one of a law firm website's most important and viewed sections; therefore, yours must be well-written and encompass your work and the work you want to attract.
The First Amendment and the Lanham Act At the Supreme Court
May 01, 2023
In March, the Supreme Court heard a blockbuster trademark case with significant implications for trademark law. After argument, reversal seems likely as questioning from the justices suggests that a long-standing precedent is unlikely to survive unscathed. But the Court also indicated concern over the broader implications of this case in the arts, entertainment, and publishing. Here's what you need to know about Jack Daniel's v. VIP Products.
ChatGPT, Generative AI and IP Considerations
May 01, 2023
Part Two of a Two-Part Article Part One of this article briefly detailed what "generative AI" tools like ChatGPT are and provided an overview of key legal considerations. Part Two looks at upcoming AI-specific legislation and the path forward for firms wanting to use AI in practice.