Landmines In Bankruptcy Appellate Practice
November 01, 2023
Pundits are raving about the current increase in business bankruptcy cases. But they rarely, if ever, mention the spike in bankruptcy appeals. A brief survey of recent decisions shows that appellate courts are, among other things, finding ways to (a) avoid making decisions or to (b) avoid litigation delay and uncertainty by expediting appellate review. Practitioners can avoid surprises by grasping what these courts are actually doing.
DIP Financing and Liens On Avoidance Actions
October 01, 2023
The Eighth Circuit's decision in Simply Essentials has practical significance for Chapter 11 debtor in possession (DIP) lenders. U.S. Trustees and unsecured creditors regularly object to the granting of liens on avoidance actions, but this and other appellate rulings should now eliminate the purported legal obstacle.
Bankruptcy Court Rules Contract to Produce Documentary Was Not a Personal Services Contract
October 01, 2023
Bankruptcy courts continue to adjudicate disputes regarding Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, which addresses the disposition of executory contracts between the debtor and third parties. And we continue to report on developments in this area. Often the issue involves whether the contract is an executory contract that is subject to being assumed and assigned.
Bankruptcy Risk and Fraud In Cryptocurrency
September 01, 2023
Among the risks of cryptocurrency exchanges are bankruptcy risk and fraud, including: the inalienability of account claims, holding an unsecured claim versus an entitlement to the return of coin, and bankruptcy preference risk.