Bit Parts
November 02, 2014
Cartoon Network Mobile App Users Android ID Isn't "Personally Identifiable Information" under the Video Privacy Protection Act<br>Court Says Republication Rule Alive in Tennessee But Dismisses Defamation Claims by Disqualified American Idol Finalist<br>Toto Denied 50% Royalty for Digital Download Sales
When Does 'Voluntary Payment' Preclude Recovery of Overcharges?
November 02, 2014
When a tenant erroneously pays more rent than a lease requires, can the tenant recover the amount of the excess payments? Answering that question requires exploration of the perplexing voluntary payment doctrine, which continues to rear its head in New York cases.
In the Spotlight: Lease Agreements
November 02, 2014
It has been the authors' experience that many attorneys, who do not practice commercial real estate full time, and their clients are not aware of some of the issues that should be taken into account by landlords, tenants and their counsel in the preparation and negotiation of lease provisions
What's So Different About Healthcare Leasing Transactions?
November 02, 2014
Among the many types of healthcare real estate transactions, this article focuses on "off-campus" leasing transactions, including why and how leases involving healthcare providers differ from other leasing transactions and what this means for those involved in these transactions.
Law Firm Security Pressures Alleviated With Financial Strategies
November 02, 2014
We know the consumer-industry stories of hackers infiltrating Target and, more recently, Home Depot. Law firms are now at the center of the storm because they store some of their clients' most sensitive business information and are viewed by criminal elements as a less-defended path to that data. Firms must take care to understand and respond to evolving security trends with response strategies.
The Calm Before The Storm Is the Time to Consider Insurance Coverage
November 02, 2014
In Part One of this article, we discussed the fact that, although there were no major hurricanes in 2013, the calm before the next storm is an opportune time for a company to consider the adequacy of its insurance program. We discuss more considerations herein.
What 's New in The Law
November 02, 2014
In-depth analysis of recent rulings as they affect equipment leasing.
Court Watch
November 02, 2014
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act allows employees to sue their employers for various employment-related causes of action. Courts in two recent cases have ruled that actions brought, pursuant to the FLSA, by franchisees and franchisee employees, sufficiently alleged that franchisors were "employers" to withstand motions to dismiss under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).