Employers Get a Data Privacy Win At the European Court Of Human Rights
February 29, 2016
One of the biggest challenges for U.S. employers, investigators, and e-discovery practitioners in cross-border litigation involving European companies or citizens has been obtaining digital data about European individuals. The privacy rights European citizens have ' under both EU and member state law ' are significant.
Sup. Ct. To Clarify <i>Fogerty</i> Copyright Attorney Fees Factors
February 29, 2016
For the second time in three years, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to consider important questions under the Copyright Act at the behest of Supap Kirtsaeng, a tenacious Thai math professor. In 2013, the Supreme Court handed Kirtsaeng an important victory in a litigation brought against him by a major publisher, holding that a copyrighted work published and purchased abroad may be resold in the United States without the permission of the copyright holder.
Data Breach Liability
February 29, 2016
Today's legal departments are undergoing fundamental changes thanks in part to the imminent threat of ongoing cyberattacks. Given the massive breaches at some of the world's visible brands, it is increasingly clear that cybersecurity can no longer be regarded as the exclusive domain of IT.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1113 Trumps NLRA
February 29, 2016
A significant problem confronting many debtors seeking to reorganize through Chapter 11 involves the resolution of labor contract issues. A recent decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit will likely impact how that problem is solved by debtors teetering on the brink of, or already in, Chapter 11 where their operative collective bargaining agreement has or soon will expire.
Bit Parts
January 31, 2016
Protective Order Modified To Restrict Disclosure of Film Production Company's Operations Within Defendant Investment Firm<br>Tax Court Decides Production Set Builder Is Independent Contractor
First Amendment and Trade Secrets Issues In Government/Private Promoters' Live Events
January 31, 2016
Many local governments operate live event venues. Unlike dealing with private venues, concert promoters and producers might bring First Amendment free speech claims against government-controlled event facilities over how a local government chooses which promoters/producers with which to work. There's also the issue of whether the governmental authority or a private promoter owns ticket subscriber information that the private promoter generates through its live events work at a government-controlled venue.
Texas Can Deny Film Grant over Movie's Content
January 31, 2016
In a ruling certain to disappoint those who want to film B-grade action movies in Texas on the cheap, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decided that the producers of <i>Machete Kills</i> don't have a First Amendment right to an incentive grant from the Texas Film Commission.
Public Interest In Rosa Parks Overrides Publicity Right
January 31, 2016
In an opinion that reads like a biography, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit used Rosa Parks' starring role in the civil rights movement to justify ruling against a nonprofit corporation that owns her name and likeness. The appeals court held that the nonprofit cannot pursue a common-law right of publicity case against Target Corp. over the retailer's selling books, movies and a plaque depicting Parks' life.
Upcoming Event
January 31, 2016
SXSW Music Conference 2016 CLE Program. Austin, TX, March 18-19.