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We found 2,409 results for "Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy"...

Obstruction of (Contemplated) Justice
September 02, 2014
Obstruction of justice is seeing increased use, and could prove to be a powerful tool in the federal prosecutor's toolbox. Reflective of its growing attention, as discussed further below, it is the subject of a pending U.S. Supreme Court case that will examine just how broadly this statute may reach.
Amend Your Arbitration Clause to Comply with New Rules
August 02, 2014
Franchising companies often select arbitration to resolve issues with their franchisees and critical vendors. Landlords may want to include arbitration to settle disputes as well. .
Obstruction of (Contemplated) Justice
August 02, 2014
In the wake of the guidance provided by the federal appellate decisions affirming the distinctions between ' 1519 and the other obstruction statutes in recent years, prosecutors have been increasingly relying on this anti-shredding provision to file charges based on a variety of fact patterns well outside the typical norm for obstruction cases
Cooperatives & Condominiums
August 02, 2014
A look at two major rulings.
Real Property Law
August 02, 2014
Analysis and interpretation of five recent rulings.
Valuation of a Law Firm and a Law Practice
August 02, 2014
Lawyers leaving a law practice have an economic interest in monetizing their career-long investment in building a client portfolio and a referral network. How each lawyer has accomplished this depends on his or her particular practice, market and style. But while the means may vary, the results are the same ' access to clients who have legal needs. And this is the value the acquirers wish to capture.
Prior Documents May Affect a New Lease
August 02, 2014
Always check to make sure prior documents signed by your client do not affect the new lease you are about to finalize. An attorney who fails to heed this warning may be unintentionally ignoring restrictions or prohibitions contained in these prior agreements and expose his/her client to unnecessary litigation by parties seeking to enforce such contracts.
Ethics of Settlement: Restricting Plaintiff's Counsel from Representing Future Claimants
August 02, 2014
Rules of professional conduct of all 50 states include an express prohibition against a lawyer participating in making ' or even offering ' an agreement in which restriction on a lawyer's right to practice law is part of the settlement of a client controversy. A look at a hypothetical case.
The Co-Tenancy Clause
August 02, 2014
After <i>Kleban v. Ann Taylor</i>, when a mall or shopping center landlord is marketing space and offers a potential retail tenant a co-tenancy provision, the most applicable legal maxim is <i>caveat venditor</i>, let the seller beware. Landlords can suffer great unintended consequences from a co-tenancy clause that is negotiated as an accommodation to get a tenant into the space and then explodes years later.
Landlord & Tenant
August 02, 2014
In-depth commentary and analysis of two rulings.