The Evolution of the 'Virtual Law Firm'
March 01, 2017
<b><i>Though 'Virtual Firms' Are on the Decline, Cloud Technology May Be Shifting the Model to Refocus on Lawyer Mobility</b></i><br>The rise of cloud computing in particular has made it possible for attorneys to keep all the technology tools they need to practice on hand at all times, and eschew direct client contact and office space if so desired.
Cybersecurity Insurance<br><b><i><font="-1">Untangling the Mystery</b></i></font>
March 01, 2017
High-profile breaches have encouraged many businesses to proactively assess their cyber liabilities, and implement prevention and response plans. Fortunately, there are more technology options available to protect businesses than ever before, and both the U.S. government and private industry have made great strides in understanding and combating some of the most common cyber threats.
Untangling the Mystery of Cybersecurity Insurance
February 01, 2017
There are more technology options available to protect businesses than ever before, and both the U.S. government and private industry have made great strides in understanding and combating some of the most common cyber threats.
Untangling the Mystery of Cybersecurity Insurance
February 01, 2017
There are more technology options available to protect businesses than ever before, and both the U.S. government and private industry have made great strides in understanding and combating some of the most common cyber threats.
Is Your Data Breach Response Plan Good Enough? Stress Test It!
February 01, 2017
As the chances of a data breach incident increase, savvy firms and businesses have invested time and thought in a response plan. But plans never survive first contact with the enemy. Stress test your incident response plan to find and resolve its weaknesses while time is on your side.
The Evolution of the 'Virtual Law Firm'
February 01, 2017
<b><i>Though “Virtual Firms” Are on the Decline, Cloud Technology May Be Shifting the Model to Refocus on Lawyer Mobility</i></b><p>While the "virtual lawyer" may be on the decline, the technology making law practices more portable and potentially more efficient has seen a surge. The rise of cloud computing in particular has made it possible for attorneys to keep all the technology tools they need to practice on hand at all times and eschew direct client contact and office space if so desired.
Cybersecurity Public Private Partnerships: Challenges and Opportunities
February 01, 2017
Close cooperation between the public and private sector is crucial, given the enormous risks associated with the continued acceleration of global connectedness. Upon closer inspection, however, significant cultural and legal barriers exist that can hinder further cooperation necessary to effectively combat the cyber theat.
<i><b>Legal Tech:</i></b><br>Three Legal Challenges In-House Counsel Face with 3-D Printing
February 01, 2017
<b><i>As 3-D Printing Becomes More Widespread, In-House Counsel Will Be Tasked with Complex IP and Liability Challenges</b></i><p>Yet another potentially disruptive technology is set to join the ranks of blockchain and AI as a headache for legal: 3-D printing. While its use in legal is limited, 3-D printing presents unique challenges to in-house counsel prosecuting or defending IP and liability issues.